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Distribution Centers

by John E. Carr

In order to make standardized administrative and teaching materials available to its members, THE CHURCH of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-day Saints has developed a system of distribution centers around the world. These distribute authorized Church literature and curriculum materials to Church units, members, and officers in approximately one hundred languages. Such materials include scriptures, lesson manuals, teaching aids, handbooks, forms, reports, supplies, and video and cassette tapes.

The item in greatest demand is the Book of Mormon, with over four million copies distributed annually. Since 1989 the majority of these copies are in languages other than English. Some centers also coordinate local printing and distribution of Church magazines in their areas. Each center offers services geared to the particular proselytizing, teaching, and administrative needs of Church programs in its area. Some centers are equipped to print many of the materials they distribute, thus reducing the expense of shipping from Salt Lake City. Materials required in large quantities and hardbound books are often produced by commercial vendors. Wherever printed and regardless of language, all materials are uniform in their content.

(See Basic Beliefs home page; Church Organization and Priesthood Authority home page; Church Publications home page)


"A Conversation about the Church's Distribution Centers." Ensign 16 (Oct. 1986):78-79.

"Family Resources from the Church's Distribution Center." Ensign 15 (Mar. 1985): unnumbered insert opposite p. 40.

Encyclopedia of Mormonism, Vol. 1, Distribution Centers

Copyright © 1992 by Macmillan Publishing Company

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