Physical Appearance of Jesus
by W. John Walsh

A computer generated image of how
experts believe Jesus Christ may have looked, using a skull of a man buried in Jerusalem
2,000 years ago. (Copyrighted by BBC Worldwide/Reuters)
While we know Jesus was Jewish, we have no other conclusive information about his
actual physical countenance. Regarding the appearance of his mortal body, Elder
Bruce R. McConkie wrote:
"We know very little about the personality, form, visage, and general appearance
of the Lord Jesus. Whether he had long or short hair, was tall or short of stature, and a
thousand other personal details, are all a matter of speculation and uncertainty. We
suppose he was similar in appearance to other Abrahamic Orientals of his day and that he
was recognized by those who knew him and went unheeded in the crowds by those unacquainted
with him. A Judas was needed to identify him to the arresting officers; people spoke of
him as though he were the carpenter's son; and he seemingly appeared as other men do.
Perhaps the New Testament is silent on these points because it is more important to center
attention on the principles poured forth than on the physical appearance of the Person who
pronounced them. Perhaps also it makes it easier for us to dwell on his moral stature
rather than any bodily perfection he may have had, and it certainly is a deterrent to the
making of those graven images which apostate peoples so anxiously desire to venerate.
We suppose that a knowledge of these personal mattershis appearance, demeanor,
and familial relationshipswas also withheld from the ancients. Their Messianic
prophecies, at least, also draw a reverent veil of silence over many things in the realm
of human interest." (The Promised Messiah, p.476 - p.477)
Since no photographs of Jesus exist, artists have usually depicted him as a member of
their own culture. For example, white Europeans have often been depicted him with
pale skin, angular features, blue eyes, a beard, and shoulder-length hair. On the
other hand, people from Oriental and African cultures have often pictured Jesus with
darker or even black skin. While we cannot conclude with absolute certainty, recent
scientific evidence suggests that Jesus had a dark, round-faced, brown-eyed, with a
close-shaven beard and cropped hair. To some, he may even have looked swarthy and stocky.
[1] Regarding the appearance of his resurrected body, the
scriptures state:
"When the light rested upon me [Joseph Smith] saw [Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ], whose brightness
and glory defy all description, standing above me in the air." (Joseph Smith History
"[Joseph Smith and Oliver
Cowdery] saw the Lord standing upon the breastwork of the pulpit, before us; and under
his feet was a paved work of pure gold, in color like amber. His eyes were as a
flame of fire; the hair of his head was white like the pure snow; his countenance shone
above the brightness of the sun; and his voice was as the sound of the rushing of great
waters..." (D&C 110:2-3)
[1] ABC News report by Jennifer Askin entitled
"Your Own Personal Jesus" March 27, 2001.