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Holidays Observed

by John Walsh

Generally speaking, Latter-day Saints celebrate the holidays associated with their particular culture. For example, citizens of the United States celebrate the 4th of July. Obviously, members who live in the United Kingdom probably do not celebrate this day of American Independence. However, they probably celebrate some holidays uniquely their own. Birthdays are also celebrated in accordance with local or family traditions.

Two holidays which are universally celebrated are Christmas and Easter. We try to focus on the reason for both holidays, respectively the birth and resurrection of Our Savior, Jesus Christ.

Latter-day Saints are counseled to carefully monitor their Halloween activities to ensure that their practices and behaviors do not offend the Holy Spirit.

Elder Marion D. Hanks taught "Families thrive on traditions and the special rituals of family life. Celebrating special days and seasons in special ways, working together, enjoying family home evenings and family councils and conversations, deciding upon and preparing for and enjoying holidays together, family meals and prayers -- there are so many significant ways to build family traditions that will be remembered." (Marion D. Hanks, Improvement Era, June 1970, p.99)

(See Holidays and Celebrations home page)

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