Roles of Parents
a Strong Family
You will want to study this section carefully. It can help
you better understand your children and improve communications with them. This is a
concern of most dedicated parents. It provides many real-life examples of how to
effectively resolve some difficult family situations or problems when they arise.
Family Home Evening
"Family Home Evening is a weekly observance of
Latter-day Saints for spiritual training and social activity, usually held on Monday
evenings" Encyclopedia of Mormonism
Your Greatest Challenge, Mother
"I know of no better answer to [the] foul
practices that confront our young people than the teachings of a mother, given in love
with an unmistakable warning." President Gordon B. Hinckley
Parents in Zion
President Boyd K. Packer discusses how
to balance family and Church responsibilities.
Like a Flame Unquenchable
M. Russell Ballard suggests
"four ways we can build a fortress of faith in our homes and particularly help
prepare our youth to be clean and chaste and pure, completely worthy to enter the
Talking with Children
One way parents can strengthen their friendship and
communication with their children is to interview them regularly. This article discusses the interviewing process and gives twelve tips for parent child
To Mothers in Zion
President Ezra Taft Benson discusses the sacred calling of Motherhood and suggests ten
specific ways our mothers may spend effective time with their children.
the Fathers in Israel
President Ezra Taft Benson describes
the sacred calling of a father as the most important calling in time and eternity for a
man; and one from which he will never be released. He also gives 10 specific ways to give
spiritual leadership.
Strengthening Families: Our Sacred Duty
Elder Robert D. Hales
teaches parents how to strengthen their familes.
How to Encourage
Scripture Study
A listing of specific ways to encourage your family to study the
scriptures. Additions from site visitors welcome. |
Teaching about Intimacy
A Parents Guide
The Lord has placed on you as a parent
the primary responsibility to teach your children. Though
this is a great responsibility, it is also a divine
privilege to have Heavenly Father's children entrusted to
your care. One of the most important concepts that the
Lord expects you to teach your children is the righteous
meaning and use of intimate physical relations between a
man and a woman.
and the Purposes of Earthly Families
This chapter will help you review and
better understand the ultimate and eternal purposes for
which you are raising your children and will explain how
the teaching of human intimacy fits into these purposes.
Principles for Teaching Children
A discussion of ten
principles to use in all your efforts to teach in the
home, especially as you teach your children about human
Teaching Infants and
Toddlers The period of life from birth to
approximately three years of age is the time when a child
becomes aware of gender—of being a boy or girl. As
you read this chapter, remember that one of your
important goals is to help your child understand that he
or she is a son or daughter of God. Children are
privileged to be males or females by divine creation.
Help them feel that whichever gender they are, they are
of great worth.
These years are relatively free of rapid physical
changes and emotional stress. Parents should enjoy this
interlude. These years provide a time when you can help
your children refine their characters and gain a proper
sense of their role identity.
Adolescence can be a very confusing and puzzling time
for both you and your children. Just when your children
are trying to learn who they are and where they belong in
the world, their bodies begin the profound physical
changes of puberty....This section will help you teach
your children to understand, put into proper perspective,
and control the newly awakened desires for physical
intimacy they will have during their teenage years.
Intimacy: Dating and Marriage
Dating and marriage are the culmination of the
development that has taken place throughout the first
eighteen to twenty years of life. Dating allows your
children to practice in a limited way the roles and
virtues necessary in marriage. Marriage permits them to
practice the roles and virtues necessary in eternal
about Procreation and Chastity
Principles that we should teach our children
and some ways to help them live those principles.
Links to Other Parenting Sites
Note: These sites are not endorsed by LightPlanet and the
ideas they present may not be in keeping with the standards of the Church. However, there
have a lot of good advice that is applicable to all parents.