"Nevertheless they did fast and pray oft, and
did wax stronger and stronger in their humility, and firmer and firmer in the faith of
Christ, unto the filling their souls with joy and consolation, yea, even to the purifying
and the sanctification of their hearts, which sanctification cometh because of their
yielding their hearts unto God." (The Book
of Mormon, Helaman 3:35)
Personal Prayer
To pray is to speak with God, either vocally or
by forming the thoughts involved in the mind. Prayers may
properly include expressions of praise, thanksgiving, and
adoration; they are the solemn occasions during which the
children of God petition their Eternal Father for those things,
both temporal and spiritual.
Prayer is the way to commune with God and receive
answers from him. Faith, sincerity, obedience, and seeking are attributes that lift the
soul to God; this is the essential character of prayer.
It is a duty and a privledge for parents to lead their children in regular family prayer
Receiving personal revelation is a vital and distinctive part of the
LDS religious experience."
Reason and
"LDS teaching affirms the supreme authority of divine revelation.
However, revelation is not understood as an impediment to rational inquiry but as the
framework within which the natural human desire to know can most vigorously and fruitfully
be exercised."
"All humans are entitled to inspiration, which is the influence of
the Spirit of the Lord upon their minds and souls (Benson, p. 142)."
Does God speak to his children other than through
the Bible?
Latter-day Saints do not believe "that the Bible contains all of God's word to all people of
all time."
Receiving Personal Revelation
Elder Bruce R. McConkie explains that every child of God is entitled to
receive personal guidance from his or her Heavenly Father.
The Will of the
Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin explains how to obtain the Will of the Lord
through personal revelation. He gives practical suggestions for establishing better
communication with our Heavenly Father.
Obtaining Help
From the Lord
Elder Richard G. Scott explains how to obtain assistance from our Heavenly
Personal Revelation
Elder L. Lionel Kendrick explains
how to receive personal revelation.
Marvelous Are the Revelations of the Lord
Elder M. Russell Ballard discusses the
importance of revelation.
Are Not Alone
Sheri L. Dew discusses the importance of the Gift of the Holy Ghost.
Pondering the Word
A discussion of how to get more out of scriptural study.
Fasting and Prayer
"Rich blessings are promised to those who fast and help the needy
(Isa. 58:8-9). Self-control, communion with the Lord, and spiritual strength and power
accompany compliance with the law. The spirit of the fast is aptly represented in
latter-day scripture: "Verily, this is fasting and prayer, or in other words,
rejoicing and prayer" (D&C 59:14)."
Blessings on
"Blessings on food are prayers to thank God for providing sustenance
and to ask his blessings both on the food and on those who share it."
The Language of
Latter-day Saints are encouraged to use the personal pronouns thy,
thine, thee, and thou when addressing deity to show reverence and respect.
"A vision from God is a form of revelation whereby God discloses
himself and his will. It is a visual mode of divine communication, in contrast with
hearing words spoken or receiving impressions to the mind."
Channels: Astrology, Fortune-Telling, and the Occult
Church leaders teach that members should avoid trying to gain power or
information through false channels.
Stones and the Urim and Thummim
"Joseph Smith wrote that in 1823 an
angel told him about "two stones in silver bows
fastened to a
the possession and use of [which] constituted "seers' in ancient or
former times" (JSH 1:35). Joseph used these and other seer stones that he found
in various ways (occasionally referred to by the biblical term Urim and Thummim) for
several purposes, primarily in translating the Book of Mormon and receiving revelations."