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Recommended LDS Books
Joseph Smith: Rough Stone Rolling
By Richard Lyman Bushman |
Standing for Something
by Gordon B. HInckley
"Virtue is too often neglected, if not scorned or ridiculed as old-fashioned, confining, unenlightened," laments author Gordon Hinckley, a 90-year-old ordained leader of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Even as he enumerates all of America's social ills (including $482 billion a year spent on gambling, rampant child neglect and abuse, school massacres, a pervasive deterioration of values) Hinckley believes there is a remedy. Chapter by chapter Hinckley presents 10 old-fashioned virtues that will return America to the glory envisioned by its founding fathers. These virtues include Love, Honesty, Morality, Civility, Learning, Forgiveness, Thrift and Industry, Gratitude, Optimism, and Faith.
House of the Lord
Because non-Mormons are not allowed inside Latter-day Saint Temples, curiosity seeders have tried through a variety of means, specially upon completion of the Salt Lake City edifice in 1893 to ascertain what the interior looks like and what activities transpire therein. This inordinate interest prompted church leaders to commission Professor James E. Talmage in 1911, three months before he was ordained an apostle, to compile a visual and textual representation for the general public. Despite an earlier unauthorized foray into the temple by a camera-toting intruder, Talmage’s assignment would represent the first time the good quality views of the interior would be framed and the ordinances would be discussed in print with the church’s blessing. |
Way to Be!
Gordon B. Hinckley
The nonagenarian president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints offers young adults optimistic, down-to-earth advice in this inspirational gift book. In short chapters that are especially directed at teens, Hinckley presents "nine suggestions gleaned from more than nine decades of living": young people should be grateful, smart, involved, clean, true, positive, humble, still and prayerful. The tone will be familiar to those who enjoyed Hinckley's 2000 book Standing for Something: Ten Neglected Virtues That Will Heal Our Hearts and Homes; even the virtues themselves are very similar. As before, Hinckley shares simple but meaningful stories from his own life, concentrating mostly here on anecdotes from his childhood on a fruit farm. Although Hinckley's chief role is as a Mormon prophet, his folksy advice is virtually indistinguishable from that found in other Christian self-help books: he lauds Jesus Christ as "the Savior, who is the perfect example in all things," discusses the importance of not taking the Lord's name in vain and argues for daily prayer. |
Sherry L. Dew - No One Can Take Your Place |
Matthew Naythons - The Mission: Inside the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
With the cooperation of Mormon Church authorities, 50 "of the world's best" photojournalists (including three Pulitzer Prize winners) were given unprecedented access to Mormon leaders and Mormon life in order that they might capture both the private moments and the ritual gatherings of Latter-Day Saints around the world. And the resulting, handsome coffee-table volume does indeed open what has previously been for most outsiders the vaguely mysterious world of approximately nine million Latter-Day Saints, only half of whom live in this country. These images portray a committed community that concentrates on family and missionary work but that also likes to go dancing and to the rodeo. With the feel of the A Day in the Life books and with useful text that does not overwhelm, this is a valuable volume that should also be the gift of the year for Mormons. More than 300 color and b&w photos.
Copyright 1995 Reed Business Information, Inc. |
Richard L. Bushman - Joseph Smith and the Beginnings of Mormonsim
Written by prize-winning colonial historian Richard L. Bushman, Joseph Smith and the Beginnings of Mormonism was originally conceived as one of the sixteen volumes on Mormon history officially sponsored by the Latter-day Saint church in commemoration of its sesquicentennial in 1980. It is an excellent example of what Mormons would call "faithful history"--an approach that emphasizes the sacred nature of the history of Mormonism--and presents an elegant, eloquent, exacting, and exasperating analysis of the origins of Mormonism through the end of 1830.
In this work Bushman deals in an exceptionally faithful manner with the rise of the church, addressing many of the very real thorny historical issues swirling about Mormonism's creation mythology. How convincing his analysis may be is very much a result of whether or not one accepts Joseph Smith as a prophet of God. Bushman does and demonstrates it on virtually every page. |
Kendal Hunter - Consider my Servant Job
Most members of the LDS Church have studied Job, the famous sufferer from the Old Testament. But do we really understand his role in the gospel? In this thoughtful, penetrating book, Kendal Brian Hunter discusses Job--as an allegory for the Atonement of Jesus Christ. |
Shannon L. Alder - 300 Questions LDS Couples Should Ask Before Marriage
Did you know that the divorce rate among Mormons is now 40%, only 10% below the national average?
With a 40% chance of marriage failure, it is more important than ever to be selective when choosing a spouse. President Spencer W. Kimball once said, "In selecting a companion for life and for eternity, certainly the most careful planning, thinking, praying and fasting should be done to be sure that of all decisions, this one must not be wrong."
300 Questions Every LDS Couple Should Ask Before Getting Married will help you and your partner explore common goals and perspectives. The questions in this book will inspire couples to gain a deeper understanding of each other to build lasting and eternal relationships. |
For the twelve million members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints worldwide (six million in the United States), The Book of Mormon is literally the word of God, a companion volume to the Bible that contains the everlasting gospel. With the faith now of one of the fastest-growing religions in the country, Doubleday is proud to publish this first official trade edition of The Book of Mormon by special arrangement with the Church.
According to Mormon belief, The Book of Mormon was inscribed on golden plates by generations of prophets, quoted and abridged by the prophet-historian Mormon, and buried in the ground by Mormon’s son, Moroni. Fourteen centuries later, in 1823, the angel Moroni led Joseph Smith to the plates hidden in a hillside in upstate New York. Smith translated the ancient language into English through divine revelation. |
Gordon B. Hinckley - Stand a Little Taller
Stand a Little Taller is a book of daily inspiration from President Gordon B. Hinckley. Truly every word is an inspiration. There are times for each of us, that good words of counsel come in handy and are much appreciated... this book does just that!
Paul B. Skousen - The Skousen Book of Mormon World Records
From the archives of Church history to the headlines of global media, here are the fastest, the oldest, the highest, the biggest, the coldest, the greatest, the most daring, prominent, faithful, adventurous, creative, and persistent Latter-day Saints ever. The premier edition of the Skousen Book of Mormon World Records and Other Amazing Firsts, Facts, and Feats is the hard-to-put-down chronicle of more than 1,600 authentic, up-to-date and astonishing achievements by Mormons everywhere. It inspires, encourages and challenges Saints of all ages to peruse and ponder, "Could I hold a new Mormon World Record?" |
David O. McKay - The Rise of Modern Mormonism
Davic O. McKay - What E'er Thou Art Act Well They Part