"For the word of the Lord is truth, and whatsoever is truth is light..."

Priesthood Ordinances

"Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints regard religious ordinances not as arbitrarily established but as purposefully instituted by God and eternal in scope."

"No society or group exists without both social and sacred ceremony. Among Latter-day Saints the fundamental importance of ceremony, and of divine authority in its performance, are given expression in a unique latter-day scripture: "In the ordinances…the power of godliness is manifest. And without the ordinances thereof, and the authority of the priesthood, the power of godliness is not manifest unto men in the flesh" (D&C 84: 20-21)."

Administration of Ordinances
"Ordinances performed in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are to 'be done in order' (D&C 20:68) by one who is ordained. The common linguistic root of the words 'ordinance,' 'order,' and 'ordain' implies fixed succession, privilege, right, and solemn responsibility."

Laying on of Hands
"The laying on of hands on the head of an individual as a religious ceremony has served many purposes historically and continues to do so for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints."

"Latter-day Saints believe, as do many Christians, that baptism is an essential initiatory ordinance for all persons who are joining the Church, as it admits them to Christ's church on earth (John 3:3-5; D&C 20:37, 68-74)."

Baptismal Covenant
"When a person enters into a Latter-day Saint baptism, he or she makes a covenant with God. Baptism is a 'sign…that we will do the will of God, and there is no other way beneath the heavens whereby God hath ordained for man to come to Him to be saved' (TPJS, p. 198)."

"Once a person joins The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, circumstances requiring rebaptism are unusual."

Baptism for the Dead
"Baptism for the dead is the proxy performance of the ordinance of baptism for one deceased. Joseph Smith taught, "If we can baptize a man in the name of the Father [and] of the Son and of the Holy Ghost for the remission of sins it is just as much our privilege to act as an agent and be baptized for the remission of sins for and in behalf of our dead kindred who have not heard the gospel or fulness of it"

Blessing the Sick
"Latter-day Saints believe that Christ ordained and sent his disciples, in ancient and modern times, with the promise that through faith they might heal."

"Confirmation in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is a sacred ordinance essential for salvation."

"Dedication is the act of devoting or consecrating something to the Lord, or "setting apart" something for a specific purpose in building the kingdom of God. It is a priesthood function performed through an official and formal act of prayer."

The Endowment
"An Endowment generally is a gift, but in a specialized sense it is a course of instruction, ordinances, and covenants given only in dedicated temples of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints."

Priesthood Blessings
"Latter-day Saints cherish priesthood blessings as a vital source of grace in facing the crossroads, crises, setbacks, anxieties, and decisions of life. Those who give and receive blessings at the hands of the priesthood in this spirit are lifted up and sustained, and healed in mind, body, and spirit."

Shaking the Dust from the Feet
"The sharing of the gospel must always be accompanied by the bearing of testimony as a witness that the message is true. Those who are recipients of the message may choose to receive it or reject it according to their use of their agency. There may be occasions when someone rejects it in such a way as to be offensive to the Lord. Under such circumstances, the Lord may desire that the testimony of the elders be sealed by the shaking off of the dust of the feet as a testimony against those who so rejected the message." L. G. Otten and C. M. Caldwell


Moses ordains his brother Aaron to the Priesthood

"The term "blessings" is used in two different ways in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In a broad traditional sense as used in many cultures, the word applies to all good things that come in a person's life—the wonders of nature, the joys of family, the benefits of liberty and education—anything and everything that enriches life. Such blessings are often pointed to as a manifestation of God's love for his children. Latter-day Saint writings are interspersed with this usage. In more specific terminology, blessings refer to ordinances performed under priesthood authority."

Baby Blessings
The blessing itself is to be given as dictated by the Spirit and may contain prophecy concerning the child's future, a statement of gifts or promises, and instruction or promises to the parents or siblings of the child.

Father's Blessings
For the earthly blessing to be honored in heaven, it is necessary that a father has been baptized, has received the Holy Ghost, and bears the Melchizedek Priesthood. Through these ordinances and covenants, the father may claim the powers of heaven to guide his thoughts and ratify his words. To give such a blessing, the father places his hands upon the head of his child, and assures the child by word and spirit that the blessing, spoken by a loving parent, comes with divine approval and inspiration.

Patriarchal Blessings
Members have the right to go to the stake patriarch for a Church blessing.

In Latter-day Saint usage, Sacrament designates that ordinance instituted by Jesus Christ as a means by which worthy Saints may renew their covenants with their Redeemer and with God the Father.

Sacrament Prayers
This page contains the text of the Sacrament prayers.

Why Do We Partake of the Sacrament With the Right Hand?
There are numerous passages in the scriptures referring to the right hand, indicating that it is a symbol of righteousness and was used in the making of covenants.

Sealing Power
This is the authority by which 'all covenants, contracts, bonds, obligations, oaths, vows, performances, connections, associations, or expectations' can be 'made and entered into and sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise' and receive 'efficacy, virtue, or force in and after the resurrection of the dead' (D&C 132:7).

Cancellation of Sealings
"The First Presidency may cancel temple sealings when the circumstances of a request for cancellation warrant it."\

Temple Ordinances
The ordinances performed only in the temple are baptisms for the dead, washings and anointings, endowments, and marriages or sealings for eternity.

Temple Sealings
A 'sealing,' as a generic term, means the securing, determining, or establishment of a bond of legitimacy. Among members of the Church sealing refers to the marriage of a husband and wife and to the joining together of children and parents in relationships that are to endure forever.

Washings and Anointings
The washings and anointings of the biblical period have a parallel today in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Washing of Feet
The ordinance of washing of feet performed by Jesus Christ after the Last Supper with his apostles was a gesture of humility.