Dick Baer
Dick Baer was excommunicated from the Mormon church twice. The first time was for adultery (he likes to call it fornication although he was married at the time), and the second time he asked to have his name removed. (Brown 1995, 35)
Facts and the truth are not very important to Dick. Although he claims to have served a mission for the Mormon church and even that he was a mission president. In actualilty, his brother tells us that he didn't even serve a full time mission. He also has never been a temple worker as he claims. (Brown 1995, 35)
Those how know him best have never been influenced to leave the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Every member of his family is still an active member of the church. His children are also active Mormons. He also likes to claim that he was disinherited for his anti-Mormon activities. Actually it was because he was devoid of charity and took from his wife money that he had a legal right to although he actually owed much more than that in back child support. He likes to claim that his brother was close to leaving the church, but that isn't even close to the truth. (Brown 1995, 36)
Some missionaries talked to Dick Baer after a showing of the Godmaker. Elder Captain suggested that the dark backgrounds coupled together with satanical music was being misleading, he acknowledged the fact that the film contained errors and that some of the scenes the film portrayed were not consistent with actuality, but that it was "consistent with the message we wanted to give." (Brown 1995, 39)