Go to a laser show.
Go bowling.
Go to a zoo. Take some kids along.
Go to a football game.
Visit relatives who live nearby.
Visit museums or the homes of famous people who lived in the area.
Go to an amusement park.
Walk down a busy road eating M & M's and wave at the cars that are the same color as the M & M you just ate.
Go to the theater.
Have a grass fight.
Volunteer at the library to do storytelling for a hour once a week.
Play cops and robbers.
Visit the state capital.
Have a water balloon fight.
Fly paper airplanes.
Take a child to the Children's Museum.
Race trains or toy boats.
Have a sound scavenger hunt.
Have a food fight.
Make a craft (finger painting, jewelry making, play dough)
Play hopscotch in an empty parking lot.
Go to an IMAX movie.
Go to a water park.
Play croquet in the dark using flashlights.
Have a nerd contest. Set a dollar limit and go to a thrift shop. Then go somewhere wearing the outfits you bought.
Do improvisational games together and with a large group.
Go to a friend's or relative's concert or performance. Rate them using the star system.
Give your own concert for friends or family.
Go to the dress rehearsal of a play. They're often open to the public the afternoon before a play starts and they're usually free.
Check out your favorite childhood books from the library and read them to each other.
Go to a Church dance.
Go ice blocking (sliding down big hills on a large block of ice--check for permission first).
Go on a hot air balloon ride--try county fairs especially.
Build a puzzle.
Read a book.
Write a play and perform it.
Go to a community dance.
Go fishing at a fish farm.
Take a drive in a canyon or through a scenic area.
Go people watching at the mall.
Take a hayride to a drive-in movie.
Have a bonfire/corn roast. Get permission to use someone's field. Notify local fire department.
Watch a foreign film with subtitles and eat food from the country the film is from.
Give each other a manicure.
Go to an expensive restaurant and only order hors d'oeuvres.
Visit a U.S. Mint.
Play pool and darts (make sure the place is conducive to feeling the Spirit).
Climb trees.
Play Sardines.
Play Charades.
Sword fight with utensils.
Play Paint Ball.
Design matching shirts and go somewhere in them.
Go caroling, even if it isn't around Christmas.
Have a taffy pull.
Make gingerbread houses.
Play board games.
Play Balderdash, Trivial Pursuit, Pictionary, Encore, Scattergories, etc.
Perform lip syncs.
Make a home video.
Go to a baseball game late (you get in free).
Make snow sculptures.
Build and igloo or fort.
Write letters to friends who are far away.
Play video games together.
Make presents for an upcoming birthday or holiday.
Be a singing telegram service for friends on Valentine's day or someone's birthday.
Play balloon volleyball inside with yarn for a net.
Help with a sibling's birthday party.
Get a tall mound of ice cream for each person and sculpt it with your tongue. Judge the sculptures, take pictures of them, and eat them.
Have an impromptu speech contest. Give the topic of the speech 5 minutes before the speech is to be performed.
Have a dessert buffet. Everyone brings a dessert to share.
Kidnap your date and take him to one of the dates on this list.
Take an unusual stuffed animal (or a doll, or piece of furniture) on dates with you. Bring a camera and take pictures of the many things and places the stuffed animal got to do and see while it was with you. Then make a scrapbook for the stuffed animal and show it to your friends.
Go clothes or shoe shopping.
Make up answering machine messages and record them on a tape.
Visit senior citizens.
Go to an art exhibit on the opening day and pretend like you're art critics.
Pumpkin carving contest
In the winter have a beach party with lawn chairs and volleyball!
Tye-dye T-shirts and model them and take lots of photos for everyone
Race trains or toy boats.
Design matching shirts and go somewhere in them.
Play Hide and Go seek
Watch planes or trains come in
Take a mystery walk or drive flip a coin at each corner to see which way to go
Go to Botanical Gardens nearby.
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