Welcome to The Young Womens Corner of LightPlanet.com!
Here you
will find many ideas relating to teaching and leading the LDS young women's program. |

Young Women Leaders -
pep talks, advice, leadership aids such as idea lists, worksheets and questionnaires, and
answers to common questions. |
Firesides (Sunday
Evening Discussions) - ideas for inspirational firesides and places to go for more
ideas. |
LDS Young Women's Activities - explains
purposes for activities. Also gives special activity night ideas, yearly themes with ideas
for each month, and ways to get out of the refreshment rut. |
Dating Ideas - Find
fun date ideas involving meals, developing talents, service, Church, and entertainment.
Also, etiquette information, standards, creative invitations and answers, and things to
talk about. |
Personal Progress - Find ideas for New Beginnings, Evening in Excellence, and Laurel Projects. Also find
Theme, Motto, Personal Progress advice, and stories and object lessons for each value. |
LDS Girls Camp - Find
games, activities, crafts, hikes, skits, morale boosters, songs, and ideas for themes. |
Standards Night - Help
the youth learn more about applying Gospel principles with these activities and
presentations. |
FUN - Find fun things to do with friends, at parties, while babysitting, and
with parents. Also, find fun recipes to try. |
THINK ABOUT IT - Ever wondered why
the scriptures used a certain word or image? Learn more about it and better understand the
scriptures. |
Other LDS Young Women Sites
LDS Young Women Site - This is the official YW section of LDS.org
SugarDoodle - An excellent site with lots of LDS Young Women's resources
LDS Young Women - A YW site by Lissa Stinson on Anglefire.com
LDS Young Women Leaders - A Yahoo Group for Young Women leaders from around the world
Other Useful LightPlanet Pages
Mormon Humor | Relief Society Rest Stop | Primary Corner