(Sunday Evening Discussions)
I believe in Christa slide presentation or Christs life, death, resurrection, and Second Coming with songs and hymns about Christ sung or played in the background. Have several people bear their testimonies at the end (ask them first, so theyre prepared)
Never a Better Herohave several youth speak about their heroes are and why they chose them for rolemodels. Then have someone speak about how Jesus Christ is the greatest Hero and why. This can be combined with ideas from "I believe in Christ." There is a song called "Never a Better Hero" in the book Greater Than Us All by Kenneth Cope. If you have a LDS gymnast, basketball player, football player, etc. in your area, she or he would be a good choice to give a talk on this subject.
Whos on the Lords Side?a fireside about choice and accountability. Use everyday examples with several endings to show how every day we choose if we are on the Lords side or Satans side. (For ideas which could be altered to fit into this fireside, see the Pathway of Faith activity)
Onward Christian SoldiersWhy there are so many war chapters in the Book of Mormon? How can we "liken all scriptures unto us, that it might be for our profit and learning" (1 Nephi 19:23)? The youth, like the rest of us, are involved in a real war with Satan. It started in heaven and continues on earth. Talk about Premortality and Agency. Discuss the tools God gave us to defend ourselves from Satan while we're here on earth. Explain how to put on the whole armor of God (Ephesians 6:11-18. also see Alma 58:40). Tell the stories in Alma chapters 56-63, but suggest that each person is like a city. We need to defend ourselves and also support each other against the forces of the devil. This is especially useful if you need help reactivating youth and if you fear that some youth are falling away. Remind the youth that it is easier to keep a city than to retake it (or keep people in the church than reactivate) (59:9). Show what happens if the Nephites (the youth) unite and work together and pray for strength as they help support and reactivate, even if they are few in numbers (58:32-33, 37). Tell them to be vigilant in their efforts (58:26). Show the courage of leaders like Moroni and Helaman. Make a banner with a theme like "Support Each Other In Righteousness" and have everybody sign it. Display it in one of the classrooms. Sing "To Bring the World His Truth" to close. (Suggested follow-up, a fellowshipping or missionary activity)
Book of Mormon Stories--take any Book of Mormon story and retell it in modern times. Tell it using youth names or hypothetical people. Use actors, if you would like. Or, do a reader's theatre using the Book of Mormon as your script.
Bible Parables--discuss Bible parables and what they mean to us today. Use three or four of them and get into them in full detail. Use the dictionary to see what the word choice tells us. Read what Apostles and/or Prophets have said about those stories.
Share Your Favorite Scriptures--For a smaller group, pass around a Book of Mormon and have people share their favorite scripture(s) and why they are their favorites. Encourage the youth to share any experiences they had with the Book of Mormon. Pass around the other scriptures as well.
For the Strength of Youth--for each topic in the pamphlet For the Strength of Youth, bring in a speaker to discuss what it really means to follow the prophet's counsel in that particular area. Play FTSOY Jeopardy.
United We Stand--Discuss the importance of unity among Church members and particularly among the youth. Read scriptures about unity. Discuss how the youth could become more united. Set some joint Young Men/Young Women goals, for example, for activating or inviting non-members to Church or Church activities. A common goal can help strengthen the unity felt among the youth.
Moral Standards and and Dating Panel--create a panel using young adults, bishopric and stake presidency members, and other leaders and dating youth to answer these questions or questions your own youth have. Try to collect the questions in a way that the youth can remain anonymous if they desire (See also Answers About Standards and Dating; Tough Dating Questions for Latter-day Saint Youth; Why Double Date?)
Crash of Flight 409 (as on Zarahemla site)--click here
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