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For the Strength of Youth

Note, The For the Strength of Youth is available online at the Official Site at,4945,30-1-7-1,00.html

Contributed by Debbie

I serve as Secretary in the Anderson, CA Stake YW Presidency. This game was devised by our First Councilor last year for a Stake Auxiliary Training Meeting. We also played it in our home ward with the youth. You may or may not allow players to use the FTSOY pamphlets. If you do allow it, you will want to keep the game going at a pretty fast pace. The answers need to be given more than 10 seconds for look ups. Other than that, it is played just like the TV version. We did not have any Daily Doubles...which would have made the game much more interesting. Naturally, the kids all go for the big point value questions first. We had three teams, and after each question the spokesperson for each team rotated to the end of the line. You can use bells, or buzzers, even pots and pans to determine which team gets to answer. Just make sure they are not too similar, so that a judge can easily say which team rang in first. We had each answer written on cards large enough for all to read it. The host turns over the card and reads it aloud, but the kids can ring in even before he's finished reading it if they want to. Have fun!...we sure did. There are six categories, with five questions in each:

Example: Miscellaneous for 100
Host says: "The answer is--The appropriate age to begin dating."
Player says: "What is 16?"

100 pts. The appropriate age to begin dating. (16)
200 pts. Short shorts, tight pants, off the shoulder, low cut or revealing. (immodest clothes)
300 pts. Dressing in such a way as to bring out the best in yourself and those around you. (modesty)
400 pts. When dancing you should avoid this. (full body contact)
500 pts. Rules or guidelines given to help you measure your conduct. (standards)

100 pts. This brings peace and self respect. (honesty)
200 pts. This will help you know right from wrong. (Holy Ghost)
300 pts. This is difficult and painful and may take a long time. (repentance)
400 pts. Being honest includes having the courage to do this. (doing what you know to be right)
500 pts. These three things damage your spirit. (lying, stealing, and cheating)

100 pts. This language is offensive to the Lord. (rude, profane, vulgar language)
200 pts. Never misuse these names. (God, Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ)
300 pts. Two things you should avoid on the Sabbath. (seeking entertainment, spending money)
400 pts. Things you should do on the Sabbath. (worship, strengthen families, help others, draw close to the Lord)
500 pts. Another kind of harmful language. (gossip)

100 pts. "Anything virtuous lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy." (13th Article of Faith)
200 pts. If what's being presented does not meet your Heavenly Father's standards you should... (walk out, turn off, or change stations)
300 pts. These do not always accurately reflect offensive content. (movie ratings)
400 pts. Don't listen to music that contain these. (ideas that contradict principles of the gospel, promotes Satanism, encourages immorality, contains foul or offensive language, or drives away the spirit)
500 pts. Curious exploration of this can become a controlling habit. (pornography)

100 pts. Doctrine and Covenants 89. (Word of Wisdom)
200 pts. Three things that are necessary for a strong body. (nutritious meals, regular exercise, appropriate sleep)
300 pts. These destroy your well-being. (drugs, alcohol, tea, coffee, tobacco products)
400 pts. The Lord has commanded that you keep these three things healthy. (body, mind, spirit)
500 pts. They greatly influence your thinking and behavior. (friends)

100 pts. Heavenly Father has counseled that this should be reserved for within the bonds of marriage. (sexual intimacy)
200 pts. The Lord specifically forbids these behaviors; give three or more. (sexual relations before marriage, petting, rape, incest, homosexuality, masturbation)
300 pts. These are not guilty of sin. (victims of rape, incest or abuse)
400 pts. These are an abomination to the Lord. (homosexual and lesbian activities)
500 pts. Improper physical contact can cause a loss of this. (self control)

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