Dating Etiquette Quiz

1) When in a dark theater and an usher is directing you to your seat,
the girl should...
a) walk in front of the usher.
b) walk behind the usher.
c) walk behind her date.
2) When in a dark theater, and there is no usher, the
girl should
a) walk behind her date.
b) walk in front of her date.
c) wait for an usher.
3) When a girl is getting into a car, she should...
a) go in head first
b) go in bottom first
c) go in sideways.
4) When being introduced to your date's parents, you
a) wait for them to shake your hand.
b) extend your hand to shake theirs.
c) keep you hands in your pockets.
5) When meeting people in your home, you should
a) wait for them to shake your hand.
b) extend your hand to shake their's.
c) keep your hands in your pockets.
6) When introducing your date to your mom, you should
a) first say, "Chris, this is my mom,
b) first say, "Mom, this is my date
c) introduce them in any order, as long as
you do it with confidence.
7) If you've agreed to go out with a friend and then someone
you've had your eye on asks you out for the same night, you should...
a) break the date with your friend since
your friend will understand.
b) tell him or her that you can't go.
c) tell him or her that you can't go
because you already have plans, but you would love to go some other time.
8) When a walking up a flight of stairs,
a) the girl should walk in front of her
b) the boy should walk in front of his
c) walk side by side.
9) When walking down a flight of stairs,
a) the girl should walk in front of her
b) the boy should walk in front of his
c) walk side by side.
10) When walking on a sidewalk that is along a road,
a) the girl should walk closer to the
b) the boy should walk closer to the
c) it doesn't matter, as long as you're
having a fun time.
11) Do you kiss the girl at the end of a first date?
a) never kiss on the first date.
b) always kiss on the first date if you
had a good time.
c) look to see if family members are
looking out the window before deciding what to do.
d) it is up to the people involved whether
they kiss, hug, shake hands, or do nothing at all.
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