I Hope They Call Me on a Mission
52 Activities to help young men prepare spiritually, emotionally, physically, financially, mentally, socially for a mission (including developing talents)
Kick off with a Missionary Night (or have one every quarter using different ideas each time)
M; Sp--Gather talks and quotes from General Authorities about missionary work. Get a picture frame and put your favorite quotes in it to hang by your bed, in your locker, etc.
So--Have a Speech Night (impromptu or prepared)
M; Sp--Learn the discussions (1st, follow up with the rest)
M; Sp--Memorize hymns, important scriptures
M; Sp--Have a Conference Night
T--Learn to play hymns; conduct music
T; M--Learn to organize a baptism
M; T; P--learn to cook; mend; do laundry; iron, sew buttons; clean kitchen; clean bathroom; polish shoes; maintain bikes; plan nutritious and inexpensive meals (F); budget money (F); wash dishes; do haircuts; pack suitcases effectively; bike safety; time management skills (So)
So--Letter writing skills; appropriate dating (See Dates; Dating and Courtship); etiquette for phone, home, church; introductions and thanking; Cultural Night to appreciate other cultures
F--Earning and saving money for a mission; making the most of money (clothes, food, etc.)
Sp--Splits with missionaries; friendship less actives in quorum; bring friends to missionary activity; Review standards (FTSOY Jeopardy for example); Book of Mormon Night, Bible Night; Doctrine and Covenants Night; Plan of Salvation Game; Book Review Night for gospel books; write down testimonies on stationery to be included in Book of Mormons to be given to nonmembers; Participate in a Missionary Open House; Prepare talks on Baptism, Holy Ghost and other Gospel subjects; Prepare song for sacrament meeting (T)
T--Write and then perform a gospel centered play
P--design a work out schedule to maintain a healthy body
So; Sp--Make packages for missionaries currently serving from or in your ward
Sp; M--Learn to use scriptures better (footnotes, JST, Bible Dictionary, Topical Guide, Index, etc.)
Sp; M--Scripture chase
P; Sp--Service Activity (see Service under Idea Index)