Additional Info
Stand As a Witness
Year 2000 Theme
Additional Info for Year 2000
1. Manual 1 to be used
2. Lessons are to be taught in the order presented in the manual. The guide has the
same wordage regarding lessons as 1999 guide. We shouldn't have any problem with number of
lessons and Conferences, as the year 2000 has 53 Sundays and there are only 49 lessons
(lesson #50 is to the YW Adviser about presenting lessons using General Conference
3. There will be a YW Worldwide Celebration Quoting from the guide: 'The year 2000
provides a unique opportunity to focus on, commemorate, and honor the living Christ. Young
women of the church will have a special worldwide celebration to 'Stand as a Witness' of
Jesus Christ. Detailed instructions for this yearlong event will be sent in a separate
mailing to priesthood leaders.
4. General YW Meeting will be Saturday, 25 March 2000, 6:00 pm MST
Theme: Stand as a Witness
5. The 2000 guide also talks about the importance of music in the YW program and lessons.
It suggests a hymn for each lesson.
I feel that next year will really be an exciting time for the young women. I am looking
forward to receiving from SLC the
detailed instructions for the yearlong Worldwide Celebration, and I know we will all share
ideas with each other. Let's make this Worldwide Celebration the best ever as we and the
young women 'Stand as a Witness' of Jesus Christ. ~Kathy
Additional YW Workshop Information
(About 2000 theme)
This was on an information sheet we were given at the workshop.
In the year 2000, young women of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are
invited to focus on, commemorate, and honor the Living Christ. As we acknowledge the
Bimillennial Commemoration of the Savior's birth, young women and their leaders worldwide
will have the opportunity to place a renewed emphasis on our Savior, Jesus Christ. The
theme for this
year-long event is:
Fall Open House Workshop 1999 - Reference Sheet
Mosiah 18:8-10 - The baptismal covenant includes our promise to stand as a witness.
1 Timothy 4:12 - "Be thou examples of the believers, in word, in
conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity."
Alma 19:16-17, 35 - The story of Abish.
John 19:26-27 - The Savior cares for His mother while on the cross.
Proverbs 31:10, 22, 25, 26 - A virtuous woman.
Genesis 39:12 - Joseph flees Potipher's house.
"I Will Be Valiant," - The Children's Songbook, p.162.
"Hum Your Favorite Hymn," A Song of the Heart, p. 89 or Children's Songbook, p.
"I Know That My Redeemer Lives," Hymns, p. 136.
Descant and other hymn recommendations available in the January 2000, issue of the NEW
ERA. Pictures from the Gospel Art Picture Kit available at Church distribution (#34730 or
For The Strength of The Youth TOPICS COVERED:
Dress and Appearance (Modesty)
Other topics included:
Media (Peer Pressure)
Scripture Study
Charity in Service
"The Witness: Martin Harris," Elder Dallin H. Oaks, Ensign, May 1999,
page 35.
"Soaring," New Era, Nov. 1998, p. 28-33.
"Stand As a Witness," New Era, Nov. 1998, p. 8.
"'Tis Sweet to Sing," New Era, April 1997, p. 20-25.
Personal Progress Book, p. 9; Church Handbook of Instructions, Book 2, p.212.
"There is a great need for every young woman in the Lord's work....
Be prepared to defend values that will help protect, enrich, and guard the home. This is
the time to take your place and stand as a light and guide for members of your family,
your friends, your community, and the people of your nation. It will require you to make
conscious, deliberate choices. Come to know God's will. In answer to your prayers, God
will guide you as you progress. He will watch over you" (Personal Progress
Book, p. 5).
President Brigham Young, in organizing his daughters into a Retrenchment Society:
The time has come when the sisters must agree to set a example before the
people of the world worthy of imitation.... I want you to set your own fashions.... and to
set the style for the rest of the world who desire sensible and comely fashions to follow.
(Susa Young Gates, History of the Young Ladies Mutual Improvement Association, pp.8-9.)
President Gordon B. Hinckley
You can turn the dial on the TV set. You can shun like a plague the
renting or acquisition of videotapes designed to titillate and lead you into regrettable
paths.... It is all a matter of self-discipline.... The Lord has said, "Let virtue
garnish thy thoughts unceasingly" [D&C 121: 45].... [I]f we exercise
self-discipline, calling into play the mighty power of the individual will, accompanied by
an invitation of the Spirit of the Lord, happiness will be the result (Teachings of Gordon
B. Hinckley, p. 383).
At the Fall Workshop, the Gen. YW Pres. did their presentation as if it
were a court (with a judge) and had witnesses borne by different stories when some one
stood as a witness. Each one was dealing with a different topic from FTSOY, which were;
Dress and Appearance(Modesty), Language, Media (peer pressure), repentance, faith, prayer,
scripture study, and charity in service. One thing they did was to say these girls from a
Ward stood as witnesses at all times and in all "prom dresses", then
showed some dresses some girls had made because they couldn't find any modest ones. We
were the jury and were asked to recite the YW Theme at the beginning. They quoted from the
"Standards for Personal Worthiness" and "For The Strength Of The
Youth" booklet. They used related scriptures, especially 1 Timothy 4:12-"Be thou
examples of the believers, in word, in
conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity." They used the stories of
Abish, the Savior caring for his mother while on the cross, a virtuous woman, and Joseph
fleeing Potipher's house. We had to sing "I will be Valiant", "Hum Your
Favorite Hymn", and "I Know That MY Redeemer Lives"(there was a special
descant handed out to us). Church magazine articles were used, and there were quotes from
Pres. Brigham Young and Pres. Gordon B. Hinckley.
This would be a great way to introduce the Theme for the WW Celebration in our own Wards. ~Vicki
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