Bride's Night
Washington D.C. Temple
Invite girls and their mothers (and fathers) with a wedding invitation
Decorate the room like it is a reception
Put temple pictures--both inside and outside shots--on the walls
Discuss dating standards (see Dating section)
Have each girl make a list of traits she wants in her husband
Show modest wedding dresses and garment appropriate outfits. Show where garment lines are and give the requirements for temple dresses (long sleeve, up to the neck, down to the floor, no iridescent sequins, no full slips, not really flashy, only white--contact your temple matron for more details).
Have a newlywed speak to the girls about her temple wedding and bear her testimony about the importance of temple marriage
Have each of the mothers share a little bit about their temple wedding or why she wants to have an eternal family
Invite the Temple Matron to speak and bear her testimony about the temple's importance
Sing "I Love to see the Temple" or "The Temple Reminds Me"
Give each girl a momento:
A picture of the temple
A padded, decorated hanger for her wedding dress
A white handkerchief and a poem about the temple
The envelope for her endowment packet
The New Era titled "Courtship and Marriage"
The magazine Temples
Have cake, mints, nuts, and punch for dessert
Great punch: 1 can Strawberry (or other) juice concentrate, several scoops of vanilla ice cream, 4 liters of lemon-lime pop
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