Invite a specialist to teach the class how to replace a faucet washer, change a fuse, repair an electric plug, unclog a sink or drain, or hang a picture.(this goes especially well with Lesson 7 manual 1)
Get someone who knows about interior decorating to teach the girls about decorating a room, using wallpaper, furniture, mixes of color, curtains, flower arrangements, and pictures. Have each girl design a room that she would someday like to have.
Learn about finding good prices for food, kitchen tools, furniture, clothes, etc.
Learn to repair clothing: patch pants, hem skirts, fix unravelling sweaters, or repair or replace zippers that don't work.
Make a quilt for a woman who just had a baby or for a bride.
Learn about creating an atmosphere in a home using music, soft words, light, cleanliness, etc.
Learn about using biodegradable and inexpensive ingredients for health and beauty products and/or cleaning supplies (ammonia, hydrogen peroxide, Bleach, baking soda, vinegar, salt, lemon juice, egg, cucumber, alum powder, garlic, etc.)
Learn about child development and learn some fun activities for children of each stage of development.
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