Kindness Coupons
Not all of these are appropriate for every priesthood holder. Some are more appropriate for Bishops or fathers, while others are more appropriate for young men. Use discretion when choosing which ones to use.
This entitles the bearer to one warm plate of cookies within the next week from _____________________________.
This entitles the bearer to one piano piece played at a church meeting of the bearer's choice (baptisms, sacrament meetings, Young Men/Young Women Joint activity, firesides) from _________________________.
This entitles the bearer to one vocal solo or duet at a church meeting of the bearer's choice (baptisms, sacrament meetings, Young Men/Young Women Joint activity, firesides) from _________________________.
This entitles the bearer to one chorister or music director at a church meeting of the bearer's choice (baptisms, sacrament meetings, Young Men/Young Women Joint activity, firesides) from _________________________.
This entitles the bearer to one special musical number from the Young Women. Please notify a month at least in advance so we can prepare.
This entitles the bearer to one basketball, softball, or volleyball game supporter named ________________________.
This entitles the bearer to one cooking lesson from the ____________ class. Please notify us two weeks before you plan to redeem this coupon.
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