Who Can Find a
Virtuous Woman?
A Mall Activity
Contributed by Pam
(Alternate Idea follows, using these materials but no mall or driving necessary)
1. Assign scriptures references to as many adults as possible. Adults should be in designated areas at least 5 min before youth teams arrive.( For example, Proverbs 31:10 who can find a virtuous woman , for her price is far above rubies. Leader would wait at jewelry store)
2 At church divide youth into as many teams as you have adult leaders. Leaders should stay with teams during scavenger hunt.
3 Give each team a set of scriptures and a clue sheet. Sheet should have scripture references to correspond with leaders hiding in the mall. Youth may look up scriptures on way to mall.
4 As teams arrive at the mall, they seek adults at designated areas to sign off clue sheets.
5 Everyone meets at center court at a predetermined time for refreshments, and to see how many teams found an adult for every clue.
Cutlery Shop (sword shop) Alma 48:14 .. never to raise the sword except
it were against the enemy
Fabric Shop Ecclesiastes 3:7 A time to rend and a time to sew
Edelweiss Shop Exodus 2:22 I have been a stranger in a strange land
Maternity Shop Luke 2 : 5
Book Store D&C 88:118
Jewelry Shop Proverbs 31:10
Pet City Genesis 6:19-20
Sheriff's Substation 12th Article of Faith
Candle shop Matt 5 :15
Watch Shop D&C 130 :4
Real Estate Display Matt 8:20
Shoe store Mark 1:7
Coffee Store D&C 89:9
Bed Store D&C 88:124
Vision Center Jeremiah 5:21
American EAGLE outfitter Isaiah 40 :31
Music Store Psalms 40:3
Water fountain 1 Nephi 11:25
Clue Sheet
Alma 48:14
Ecclesiastes 3 :7
Exodus 2 :22
Luke 2:5
D&C 88:118
Proverbs 31:10
Genesis 6: 19-20
12th Article of Faith
Matthew 5:15
D&C 130:4
Matthew 8:20
Mark 1:7
D&C 89:9
D&C 88:124
Jeremiah 5:21
Genesis 3:21
Isaiah 40:31
Psalms 40:3
1 Nephi 11:25
Additional Mall Shops and Clues
Proverbs 1:7 Store of Knowledge
Exodus 24:4 Papyrus (paper store)
12th Article of Faith Security Door
Psalms 40:3 Music Box Company
Genesis 1:10 Beyond the Beach
Luke 10:4 Kensington Luggage
Judges 16:17 Regis Hair Salon ~Holly
Alternate Idea
You may either have everyone work together or divide up into groups. Give the first clue with a map or board representation of a mall or a list of stores to choose from. Have a representative come up to a leader to determine if they deciphered the clue properly, If so, they get the next clue. If not, the leader tells them to go back to their scriptures. If the groups run out of time, the group that got furthest into the clues wins.
To encourage various scripture skills, give the clues in various ways. You may want to give key words such as "virtuous woman" for some clues and have them first find the scripture. After they find the scripture, they then know what part of the mall it relates to. You may try starting them at a location "You are at a jewelry store--now find a scripture that relates to that." Give more clues (e.g.--precious stones, rubies) to narrow down the choices. This allows them to learn how to use the topical guide.
You may also just give them the scriptural reference so they learn where the various books are in the scriptures. Or mention the prophet or king and give a paraphrase of what he said, to link basic teachings with who gave them.
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