Special Temple
Young Women Recognition
Contributed by Susan Greer
For a YW Recognition dinner and program, we decided to use the Temple as the basis of our theme. This is because these young women are going onto another step in their life ~ receiving their endowments and beginning to understand their eternal relationship with Heavenly Father. We have asked our speaker to talk on "Looking Toward the Temple" (this topic comes from the book by Linda Dastrup ~"Young Women - Preparing YW for the Temple"). The basic themes are:
The Temple is a house or home of the Lord
The Temple is a place of instruction
The Temple is a place of peace.
The Temple is a place of covenants and blessings.
The Temple is a place where ceremonies pertaining to godliness are presented.
The Temple is a place of revelation.
We are having a dinner with the YW and her parents, ward and stake leaders. We've received letters from the YW General Board, the Stake President, the Bishop, the Ward YW President and the Parents to present to each YW (much like the YM receive letters from the President of the US on down for their Eagle Project). We also have a long old-fashioned mirror that we are going to have the YW look into with her parents and then take pictures of the family together as an eternal unit. We are also presenting each Laurel with a lace temple bag.
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