Camp Skits and Games
Play "Human Knot." Have everyone stand in a circle. Have everyone reach into the circle and grab two hands belonging to two different people. Then, try to untangle yourselves. Or, have everyone joins hands facing the center of a circle, except one person. That person is the doctor. While the doctor is out of the room, everyone steps over each other, twists, turns, and basically turns the circle into a knot. No matter what, they cannot let go of each other's hands. When the circle is a mangled knot, call, "Doctor! Doctor!" The doctor then comes in and tries to unravel the knot of girls without unlinking any hands, to make them become a circle facing inward again.
Plate Race. Give each girl a paper plate (rocks, bricks, and boards also work well and do not blow away). Separate the girls into teams. Give every team another paper plate. The teams race each other to a finish line while only stepping on the paper plates. This will require throwing a paper plate in front of the team and each team member moving forward. The last member picks up the last plate and it gets handed to the front where it is then thrown ahead and stepped on. Everyone moves forward a plate and the process continues.
This is a... Sit all of the girls in a circle. Select as many objects as there are people in the circle. For this example, the first object is a toothbrush, the second is a pine cone, and the third is a rock. Start the game by saying
#1 This is a toothbrush. #2 A What? #1 A Toothbrush. #2 A What? #1 A Toothbrush. #2 A What? #1 A Toothbrush. #2 OH!!! Now it gets tricky. #1 introduces a new object to #2 while #2 introduces the toothbrush to #3. Turn your head to the person you are talking to. # 1 This is a pine cone. #2 This is a toothbrush. #2 A What? #3 A What? #1 A pine cone. #2 A Toothbrush. #2 A What? #3 A What? #1 A pine cone. #2 A Toothbrush. #2 A What? #3 A What? #1 A pine cone. #2 A Toothbrush. #2 OH!!!! #3 OH!!!! Now it gets trickier. While #1 introduces a new object to #2, #2 introduces the pine cone to #3 and #3 introduces the toothbrush to #4.
#1 This is a rock. #2 This is a pinecone. #3 This is a toothbrush #2 A What? #3 A What? #4 A What? #1 A rock. #2 A pinecone. #3 A toothbrush. #2 A What? #3 A What? #4 A What? #1 A rock. #2 A pinecone. #3 A toothbrush. #2 A What? #3 A What? #4 A What? #1 A rock. #2 A pinecone. #3 A toothbrush. #2 OH!!!! #3 OH!!!! #4 OH!!!! Continue until all of the objects are passed around the circle several times and people are tired of the game.
Play Simon Says.
Play Follow the Leader.
Do the Wave in a circle.
Play Do As I'm Doing around the camp.
Do the Hokey Pokey.
Do the Bunny Hop.
Play Machine. One girl makes a motion and a sound to match it. Let's say she makes a punching motion in front of her and says, "Ha Ya!" (Pick activities that would be easy to do for a long period of time). The next girl comes up and chooses an interconnecting movement with the first girl and makes a matching sound. Let's say she comes up behind her and pretends to tickle the first girl's stomach while she says "Hee hee hee!" Then another girl comes up and does an interconnecting motion and makes a sound. When all of the girls are doing this, someone can direct them to go faster, slower, louder, softer, and finally make them break down. Use this game as an introduction game by having the sound be each girl's first name.
"In between skit" skits:
1) Get two audience participants to go in a different room or a separate place and practice acting out something you tell them to act out. Tell them that the audience will grade them on how well they do, so they should get really into it. Then tell the audience that the actresses are doing ____-(which is different from what you told the actresses to do)
e.g.--Tell the actresses to blow an enormous bubble with bubble gum. Tell the audience that the actresses are at a fish exhibit and that they fell in love with a giant blow fish.
--Tell the actresses to act like they are hairstylists doing a really crazy hairdoo that requires a lot of hairstyling products. Tell the audience that they are making tomorrow's dinner.
2) Pregnant lady aerobics. Have several "combo women" and one normal woman. To build a combo woman, have one girl lay on her back. She'll be the pregnant woman's legs. Have another girl stuff her shirt with a ball, balloon, or clothes to make her look pregnant. She'll be the top of the pregnant woman. She sits on the other girl's stomach and has a blanket covering the other girl's upper body. Have several combo women arrange themselves in front of the group. Then have the "pregnant woman" come on stage. A non-pregnant "Jane Fonda" leads their aerobics class. The combo women can lift their legs up to their heads and even behind their heads. They are amazing. The other woman can hardly lift her legs with her stomach in the way. Make up a fun dialogue where the normal woman wonders what the matter with her is and becomes totally exhausted while the others keep on going.
3) Act out, using the tape or a chorus singing the words to the "hello mother, hello father, here I am in Camp Granada . . ." song.
4) Singing frogs. Have several girls lay on a table on their backs with their heads hanging down facing the audience. Cover everything but their mouths and chins with a blanket. Put two dots in the middle of their chins to look like eyes and also draw on a nose. If possible, paint the chins green. Then have the girls lip sync or sing a song, preferably one with lots of la la la's or lip and tongue movement in it.
5) Recite, in your most serious poetry reading manner, the words to a popular song. Mmm Mmm Mmm by Crash Test Dummies is a really good one to do. U2 songs and They Might Be Giants songs are also very funny to do in this way.
6) Act out fairy tales or Nursery Rhymes and have the audience guess which one you're acting out.
7) Make up a camp rhyme which matches the structure of "The House that Jack Built."
8) Pick you leader's nose. Have all of the leaders stand behind a sheet with holes cut out of them just big enough to reveal a nose. Then have girls from each group (ward, year, or sleeping quarters) come up and try to pick which nose belongs to her leader.
9) Perform church ads--give each group a product and perform the ads 20 minutes later (for a pioneer theme try cricket control, seagull treats, wagon replacement parts, the flour cookbook, hunting equipment, bonnets, public service message against "menaces to society," etc. For modern theme, try missionary needs stores, food storage, minivans, Jell-o cookbook, tablecloth gallery, BYU games, LDS books, missionary videos, future activities, etc.)
10) Commercials introducing various members of the ward or stake--like a campaign ad or Have you seen me? etc.
11) Advertise products supposed to improve your church life or camp life (cars, toothpaste, radios, shoes)12) Trouble at River City--change "this BBS" into "this city" to make better sense. (The Mormons are Coming)
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