Individual Projects
Weed gardens
Walk pets
Mow lawns or help with garden upkeep
Give lessons in an area of specialty (piano, voice, painting, dance, car repair, etc.)
Group Projects
According to the new handbook--Fund-raising activities may be approved to help pay the cost of one annual camp or similar activity for young men and one annual camp or similar activity for young women if there are not sufficient stake and ward budged funds and if the youth cannot earn enough money individually. Annual day camp experiences for Cub Scouts also q qualify as annual camps. Fund raising may also be authorized to purchase equipment that the unit needs for annual camps if there ae not sufficient budget allowance funds.
Sell frozen Little Caesar's Pizzas (contact Little Caesar's, this is a good one)
Sell Easter baskets filled with goodies and cute toys
Wash cars or pets
Hold a Garage Sale
Bake sale
Auction off services--babysitting, piano, vocal, or other instrumental performances (for a wedding reception, this would be very useful), lessons in areas of girl's expertise, giving a fancy hairdoo for a special occasion, doing dishes, cleaning a basement or garage, gardening for a week, making a nice dinner, etc.
Work at a local race. Many races need people to serve beverages and lunches to runners, clean up the stadium, or pick up trash along the race route and are willing to pay groups to do it.
Deliver phone books. Call your local telephone company to learn when the phone books are distributed and who to contact for information about distributing them.
A woman in my ward just told me about a successful fundraiser her mom's ward had. They had a volleyball game - YW against their fathers. They sold tickets to the game (%5 each), had it outdoors, told everyone to bring their own sack lunch. She said it was the most successful fundraiser they've ever had. ~Jan
For Valentines Day-- go into priesthood and sell various packages. For example, flowers only, flowers and candy, flowers candy & babysitter . . . you see the idea. It is VERY successful! As the brethren were happy they did not have to shop! ~Pam
One Saturday each month the girls get together to make bread. A sign-up sheet is passed around the week or two before. We have been doing about 35 loaves. The money made is divided equally between the girls that are there to help. Bread is delivered that day. We start at about 8 am - the first time it took till around 1 pm to finish but last month we were through by noon. Next Saturday we will be making cinnamon rolls instead of bread. It's a fun activity and the girls have learned a lot about baking! ~Michelle
We do pie sales around Thanksgiving time. ~Amy
Fundraising ideas: spaghetti dinner - variety show. Each family pays $10 for all you can eat spaghetti dinner served by the young women in the ward. we decorated like an Italian restaurant. we also promoted a variety show put on by members of the ward. it was a very successful event.
also sold pre-baked domino's pizzas for $10.00 and domino's pizza gave us $5.00 for each pizza sold. we delivered them on one specific night, all the customer had to do was heat in oven because pizza was already pre-cooked, not frozen. they also provided us with bags to deliver the pizzas in.
Dessert auction worked well also.~Cheryl
We are selling See's Candy for our fundraiser. People can contact See's for information at 1-800-877-7337. The girls can make anywhere from 31-50% depending on what they sell. ~Tommie Sue
We have a car wash each year for our fund-raiser. It goes real well and the YW really enjoy it. We hold it at an intersection that is very busy. There is a gas station there and they are real kind to us about being there for most of the day using their water and stuff. The YW take turns holding posters and those that help get the credit. We make it clear that is they don't help then they won't get the money. We also had a ward picnic and had the youth with the help of the leaders take pictures of the families. The families could get dressed up and have funny pictures with the things we brought from home, like hats, clothes and other things like that. It turned out real well and their were two brethren who donated their time to take the pictures. We took 5x7 pictures for $5.00 each! Good luck! ~bosfam
Heres is a thought. Talk to a local florist and see if you can get carnations donated a few days before Mother's Day. Girls could advertise and Pretake orders from the men in the ward for corsages (For wives and daughters too). The mutual night before Mother's Day, the girls could make corsages from the donated flowers. You could sell them for $2.00 a piece. I know my husband would buy one. Or, another place that always donates flowers is funeral homes. It sounds gross, but hey, when your being frugal. ~Sheryl
I believe in the past our YW have done can drives...everyone saves pop cans and they collect them and turn them in??? I hope this helps:0) ~melissa
This is similar to one already on your list. On or around Valentine's Day we sell balloon bouquets. We take orders and money several weeks in advance then deliver the bouquets on Valentine's Day. Our ward really supports us and our costs are relatively low, so we have been very successful in the past. ~Heather
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