Advice From a
YW President
Involve Advisors--have them come to a Board meeting every month so they know what's going on and feel involved and included
Have regular class presidency meetings. Have class leaders conduct and run activities (joint, class, and combined). Let the girls do the talking so they can learn leadership skills and have ownership in the activities.
YW Presidency should only conduct the activities that they are in charge of (in our ward's case--the first monthly activity is for personal progress and planned by the presidency members)
Involve the Laurels. Give assignments or encourage them to take assignments to give them more leadership opportunities and help them stay involved.
Delegate, delegate, delegate. I learned this over time---that delegating isn't just so I wouldn't have to do so much work but it's SUCH an important part of your calling to help the presidency members grow as well as the girls.
Follow up with assignments and activation efforts.
Keep parents informed and involved in the program.
Keep a running record of all the girls who have had a Personal Progress interview each month so that leaders are aware of who was missed.
Check up with secretary to make sure all the girls get their interviews, one with the Bishop and one with a Bishopric member.
Have the girls pick a value early on for a project to display at Evening in Excellence and encourage them periodically to work on their project.
Keep in touch with the less active girls. Visit them and keep inviting them to activities.
Use Young Women resources available to you for handouts, activity ideas, leadership helps, etc.
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