Building Habits
of Daily Prayer and
Scripture Study
Have a race between the leaders and the girls. Make a sheet with the words "I Read the Scriptures Daily" with bubble-type letters for both the leaders and the girls. Divide up the letters into spaces (equal # of spaces on each sheet). For every day a person reads at least ten minutes in the scriptures, they can fill in a space. Whichever group fills up the sheet first gets a pizza party and will be served by the other group.
Have a picture, poster, or puzzle which needs to be colored, filled or put together. For every day that a girl prays on her knees, she can fill in part of the picture or put up a part of the puzzle. Hang the poster in the young women's room for a reminder. Have the picture remind the girls of the growing relationship with Heavenly Father that they are developing.
Select a section of the Book of Mormon and have every girl read it during the week. During opening exercises, ask questions about the section and give prizes to the girls that read.
Give the girls a prayer rock. Tell them to place it on their pillows every morning. When they go to bed, they will notice the rock and remember to pray. Then they put their rock where they will step when they get out of bed. When they wake up, they will notice the rock, pray, and put the rock on their pillow again. Prayer Rock Poem.
Make a pretty sign, or have the girls make it for a craft, to put on every girls bedroom door that reminds them to pray. "Life Hemmed in Prayer does not Unravel," "Ere you left your room this morning did you think to pray?" "I've got so many things to do today. That's why I need to remember to pray." "Ask and ye shall receive, knock and it shall be opened unto you."
Give a copy of the "letter" from Heavenly Father and tell them to place it where it can remind them to pray.
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