In Touch
Please return to a stake Young Women's leader by ____________________.
Help us help you! How can we help you be better leaders at a ward level?
Has everyone in your presidency received initial leadership training?
Was the training adequate?
Is the quarterly leadership meeting effectively meeting your needs? What would you like addressed at our next meeting?
Do you have any questions about your responsibilities?
What skills do you wish you could learn or improve on that would make you a better leader?
Do you have goals as leaders? Are you consistently working towards them?
Are you helping the young women learn how to lead?
Are meetings being conducted regularly and effectively?
Does everyone supposed to attend your meetings show up?
Are you planning with a purpose?
Working with others--
Are we available to help you or to support your activities?
How do you feel about your work with the Young Men's leadership?
Have you utilized the help of the High Councilman over the Young Women's program when needed?
Does your Bishopric member over Young Women support your activities by attending them regularly (every month or so)?
Are BYC and the AP/YW planning meeting held consistently? Does everyone show up for that meeting?
Do parents know about and support Young Women activities?
Are parents involved with Personal Progress?
Do parents feel comfortable calling you?
Have you used parents at activities?
Are activities planned well in advance for people to plan for them?
Are stake and ward calendars correlated well (they fit together well and are made available enough in advance so that people made be told or reminded of various activities coming up)?
Is there anything that we could do better to support your efforts?
What things would you like addressed at the next stake events (standards event, youth conference, fireside, dance, leadership meeting, etc. . . )
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