Keeping up with
Personal Progress
Personal Progress Tips for Young Women
Encourage the parents to be involved with Personal Progress. They see their daughters more than you do.
Have each activity meet at least one Personal Progress goal.
Make each 5th week activity be a "Get it Going" night. Remind the girls to bring their books, and provide materials to start or complete several goals.
Remind the girls every week during opening exercises to work on their Personal Progress.
Make a craft that involves the seven value colors. For each value the girls complete, they can get the part of the craft that is that value's color. (see below)
Remind early on about Young Women in Excellence night and have each girl's project involve one or more value experiences.
Invite girls to organize something for an activity or to teach something that would complete a value experience.
Make up silly phrases to remind girls about Personal Progress. E.g.--"Don't sit on your Laurels! Get going on Personal Progress!" "Be a Beehive of activity in Personal Progress." "Look what Mia Maid for one of her value projects!"
* I'm in the yw presidency in my ward over personal progress. We have some good ideas rolling but I would like to have more. We've set aside one activity night a month for personal progress. This week we are painting cut-out wooden dolls (about 8"X10"). They are our value dolls for the year and each time they receive 2 goals completed in each area, they receive a little wooden heart to glue onto the wire garland that the doll is holding. These hearts will be painted the value color with the value name written on it. For the Laurels, they will receive half the hearts after completing a project. ~Laura
* We did the same type of idea, only we centered ours around Noah's' ark and they earn the animals that go with him. The girls loved them - we have one Beehive that has already completed her 2nd year (since the first of the year) and has earned her animals already!!! It has been a great incentive for them and we tied it into the 'family theme': Noah had a righteous family and they loved the Lord and obeyed His will, and we should strive to help our families 'now' to be righteous as well as learn all of those things that will help us to have righteous families in the future. ~Carol
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