Evening in
Also referred to as Young Women In Excellence or YWIE
This page contains the following program ideas:
Oscar Night
Thank Heavens for Young Women
County Fair
Oscar Night--see Stars for ideas, make "Oscarettes" for each young woman who completed a project and present it to her after she presents her project
Our YW in Excellence is also in December, and we are doing a "Thank Heavens for YW" theme. Lots of angels for decoration, including a tole painted angel (with each value color used) that will sit on each table. These angels hold small clothespins, and that night the clothespins will hold a little sign that says "Thank Heavens for YW" or maybe perhaps "Thank Heavens for ______" and include each girl's name. We are going to encourage each of the girls to place the angel on her dresser where she will see it each day, and to put the little handouts that are usually given during the Sunday lesson in the clothespin for the week so she will be reminded of the lesson throughout the week. We are also having each girl choose a value (we have a small YW group!), and create a display to show what we have done during the year to work on that value (a Mother's Day table setting they created for good works, etc.).
Cindee Nielsen
Orem, UT
Our ward had the most wonderful YW in Excellence last night! We had a "County Fair" in the cultural hall. YW and their parents were invited to attend dressed in their country best (overalls, denim shirts & levis, etc.). As we entered, the room was set up like a county fair with balloons, posters, quilts on the floor, etc. Music from "Oklahoma" and "State Fair" played loudly on a cassette recorder and some of the leaders brought around caramel apples, popcorn and homemade rootbeer for us to enjoy as we viewed the displays. Seven table surrounded the room, each decorated in individual value colors. Displayed on the tables were the projects the YW had been working on during the year, each tagged with a ribbon in the corresponding value color.
A clown did some balloon tricks and told jokes, getting everyone to mingle and to feel included as they arrived. She was the M.C. for the evening. We began with a prayer with everyone sitting on the quilts on the floor. The judges were introduced (us as a stake YW presidency) and the first event of the evening began. A fish pond was set up near the Faith table and 4-5 YW names were drawn out of a hat by the M.C. -- However, there were no names written on the little folded papers placed in the top hat - they were all blank. The names for each event were typed on a 3x5 card which was taped to the table where they were not visible to everyone - so the girls were pre-assigned to each event without their knowledge. As each of the girls received her "fish" (a little packet of candy), she was introduced by her mother or father who told a little about her and explained what her project was, why she chose it, and what value it represented. Also, the definition of each value was introduced a the beginning of each activity.
Divine Nature was a sewing contest -- Fruit Loops were strung on yarn by the selected YW and their parents while they were wearing heavy work gloves. As judges, we would interrupt the contest every minute or so and declare a winner ("most meticulous stringer", "fastest", etc. - we just made up the categories as we went along). Then that parent would introduce their daughter in the same manner as with the fish pond.
Individual Worth was a pie eating contest (no hands). Knowledge was a donut eating contest - again no hands. Donuts were strung from a simple wooden stand and the contestants had to try to eat the donut the fastest. Choice and Accountability was a cake walk. The judges would call out whatever number the YW happened to be standing on as the music stopped each time and the parent would again spotlight their child, until all the YW in this particular activity were introduced. The awards for this activity were gaudily decorated cupcakes.
The funniest event was the Turkey Shoot for Good Works. One of the parents was chosen to wear a paper "turkey beak" which opened and closed, complete with a big red waddle on the bottom. The parents had to walk back and forth behind a long banquet table as their daughters tried to shoot them with nerf guns. Our bishop was one of the dads and it was just hilarious to see him trying to be dignified in his suit and tie (he had just come from a meeting with the stake presidency) wearing a turkey beak and trying not to get shot by his daughter -- all the while the other parents were trying to hide behind him so they wouldn't get shot!
Unfortunately, we had another meeting we had to attend and missed the conclusion of the evening. I understand there was not another event for Integrity, so maybe we didn't miss much after all.
Anyway, it was a very fun evening and each girl was spotlighted and awarded for her efforts in preparing a project and working on her Personal Progress. By the way, the projects were wonderful -- not just thrown together at the last minute, but we could tell that they had been carefully planned and many hours were spent in their completion. It was great.
Joyce Terry
Salem Utah Stake YW
I am the 1st counselor in YW. For our YWIE this year we are doing a program called "Windows" It was first done by the Centerville 4th ward and send out as a "Idea from the Field". The main focus is to help YW understand the values and how living them will open up the windows of a secure life. It has a couple of songs and narration. I think it is a wonderful program.
We have invited the whole ward to come and learn what the YW Values are and to see the things the YW have done this year. Hopefully some will come. We will have the YW display things they have done this year towards their Personnel Progress. Our Program is in October.
If you or anyone would like a script, I would be glad to send it out to you. Just let me know. I don't think it is copyrighted as it came out in a packet of stuff given to our ward.
Northglenn, Colorado
1st counselor in YW
Please let me know if you like the program.
To help young women understand the Young Women Values and how living them
will open the windows of a secure life.
Each window is to represent one of the Young Women Values. :
Summary of Program: "Windows was the theme of the program which
represented the Seven Values, The program began with the young women
singing "The Rising Generation." it was followed by a slide show
introducing all the young women in the ward. The Accompanist played the
song softly and slowly throughout the slide presentation as background
music. Following the slide presentation, the spotlight shone on the
Reader's Theater. The readers then described the value of Faith and how
it relates to a window. The spotlight then moved to the value display
arranged by the young women. At this time the value song of faith, *In
Perfect Faith," was sung by two young women. After the song, the
accompanist continued to -play softly during the slide presentation of
the young women who chose faith as their value. Simultaneously with the
slide presentation, the value definition and the scriptural reference
were given via tape recorder dubbed into the p.a. system. The program was
followed by the same format for all the Seven Values (readers, display,
song, slides with value definition). We ended the program with a slide
of our priesthood leader bearing testimony of the gospel. Background
music of "I Walk by Faith" was played softly during his testimony. A
choir of all the young women sang this same song for the closing number.
Decorations: Each value display had a window above made out of poster
board. The color of the window corresponded with the color of the value.
Each window was attractively decorated with a colorful planter box and
bright flowers.
Young Women In Excellence Presents "Windows"
(Spotlight on reader's theater)
Reader #l. Is the gospel true?
2. Is it really true
3. How can I know?
4. I'm so confused. My parents say they know it is.
3. My Young Women advisor says she knows it is.
4. But, my biology teacher says it's impossible.
2. I'm so afraid. I wish I knew about the future.
1. Where am I going?
5. It's so exciting to have the truth,
6. I know it's true.
7. The spirit is burning within me.
5. I don't need to rely on anyone else's testimony I have one
of my own,
7. I feel so safe, so secure.
6. It's as though..............
7. A window was separating me -
6. from the outside world.
7. I can see out --
6. -- but they can't see in.
5. I am safe.
3. Bow can we feel secure like you?
4. Bow can we know?
7. All you need is faith.
6. One with faith has no need to fear.
5. She knows Heavenly Father loves her (background music In
Perfect Faith comes in) and will guide her back to him.
6. Try adding this window to your life.
7. Let it separate you from the outside world.
5. Study.
6. Fast.
7. Pray
(Spotlight on Faith Display)
5. And faith will burn within you.
(Father and daughter standing by Faith Display sing: In Perfect Faith?)
Reader 7. Why is it when I hear a baby cry I want to comfort it?
2. Why is it I enjoy doing kind deeds for neighbors in need?
3. It hurts me to see anyone alone - I want to share my love with
4 Something within me makes me want to Share the gospel so
others will have the truth.
7. What are these good feelings we have?
5. There is a window which lies deep within you.
6. This window reflects an image that is divine.
1. Yes, it is you:
6. Your nature is divine.
(Spotlight on Divine Nature Display)
5. For you are a daughter of Heavenly Father.
Song: "My Nature Is Divine"
Slides on Divine Nature
Reader #7. I'm good for nothing.
6. I can't do anything right.
3. Nobody likes me. I'm so lonely.
4. I wish I had nice clothes.
1. Or beautiful hair.
4. Then, maybe others would notice me.
3. I wish I had some kind of talent.
6. They say everyone has talents.
3. But I know they skipped me by when they were handing them
7. I wish I was like Susan.
4. She is beautiful.
3. If only I could be popular like Cindy.
6. I'm just a nobody.
5. Sometimes I get lonely too, I begin to wonder if I am of
value to anyone.
2. There is a window I can see thru that clearly shows I am of
(Background Music: "I Am of Infinite Worth")
1. Thru this window I can see the Savior.
5. And how he suffered for me.
2. He even hung on the cross --
1. - - and died for me,
Spotlight on Individual Worth Displays
2. I must be of worth.
1. He loves me.
5. He loves you too!
1. I want to be all he wants me to be.
Song - I am of Infinite Worth
1. I'm so bored
4. There's nothing to do.
5. I guess I'll just watch another TV show.
2. Wait!
3. There is no time to be bored.
6. In your life there are many windows --
7. -- just waiting to be opened.
6. There is so much to discover --
3. --and to explore.
7. There is so much to learn--
2. --about people --
3. --places--
6. -- things.
7. -- the gospel
2. This is your time.
3. Your season to gain knowledge.
Spotlight Knowledge Display
6. To make life interesting
7. To succeed.
Song: A Wonderful Time to Learn
Reader #5. There are so many temptations in this world.
7. They are so enticing --
2. and appear to be exciting --
5. -- and fun.
6. I get confused.
2. What about the R rated movie my friends want me to see?
5. Could trying drugs just once really hurt me?
6. Do I have to go to church?
5. Has far is "too far",
2. Decisions
7. -- decisions
6. -- there are so many to make.
3. Please
4. -- open your window.
1. Let the "still small voice" come thru,
4, Listen --
3. -- then you will experience real joy.
1. Many temptations bring you pleasure
4. -- but it doesn't last.
3. By listening to the Holy Ghost - you will find happiness.
1. Remember
4. -- you will be accountable for the choices you make.
Spotlight on Choice & Accountability
Song: "Choose You This Day'
Reader #1. I am so depressed.
2. There are so many pressures.
5. School --
6. -- home --
5. --friends
2. -- boys
1. Church.
2. I have to face everyone nagging me to get busy.
5. I am not happy
6. I'm not fun to be with.
1. I hate to get up in the morning.
4. Come on now --
7. Come out of your rut.
3. Stop dwelling on your problems.
4. You will have many friends
Background music starts softly "Let Your Light So
7. If you let your light shine thru your window.
3. Your light can cheer someone else who is down.
7. You may lighten someone's load.
Spotlight on Good Works
3. Perform Good Works
7. And joy will glow within you.
Reader #7. I feel so guilty.
3. I can't tell the truth.
5. I'll just tell a little lie.
6. No one will know she gave me too much change.
3. I can get away with this
6. But, I feel terrible inside.
7. I don't respect myself.
Background music: Integrity
1. There is a window you can add to your life.
4. This window is one you can see thru.
2. This window is yourself,
4. Do you see within you "peace of mind"?
1. A person with "Integrity" has "peace of mind.
2. She lives what she knows .
Spotlight on Integrity Display
Reader #7. There are many windows in out lives.
6. These windows can separate you from the world by
5. providing security,
4. reflecting your divine Image,
3. Clearly showing our Savior's love for us,
2. Broadening our horizons,
1. Letting the Holy Ghost in,
7. Letting our light shine out,
6. And seeing within ourselves "peace of mind."
5. These windows are our values.
All lights on
4. Faith.
3. Divine Nature.
2. Individual Worth.
1. Knowledge.
7. Choice & Accountability.
6. Good Works.
5. And Integrity,
4. Strive to understand and gain these values.
3. As a home is brightened with windows,
2. so shall your soul be brightened with these values.
Song: "I Walk By Faith"
Testimony: Priesthood Leader
Closing prayer
Submitted by: Centerville 4th
Jolene Keate
Julie Johnston
I have the Songs that we are using in our YWIE Windows.
Faith - A Child's Prayer - Primary Song Book
Divine Nature - ? She didn't know yet
Individual Worth - I Am A Child Of God - Primary Song Book
Knowledge - I Know That My Redeemer Lives - Hymn
Choice & Accountability - Come Follow Me - Hymn
Good Works - Put Your Shoulder To The Will - Hymn
Integrity - A Scripture Reading - (This is not a song)
Closing - I Walk by Faith -
We are inserting these songs in place of the songs in the original program. Hope this
Hope all who wanted a copy was able to get it from my last post. Good Luck with all your
YWIE programs. No matter what you do it will be wonderful.
Diane in Colorado
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