It's A Wonderful Time
Decorate with watches, big clocks, and a big red apple like the one at Times Square. Also decorate with lists of things the girls would like to or could do or be. Decorate with pictures that suggest the wonderful possibilities that each girl has in her life.
Have each speaker introduce a value by saying, "It's a wonderful time to develop (or learn about one of the values)." Then the speaker describes ways to develop that value in the Personal Progress Program and during activities.
Have a speaker develop one or more of these themes: It's a wonderful time to learn, to develop virtues and talents, to practice attributes you want to acquire, to prepare for your life--being a woman, a wife, and a mother. It's a wonderful time to have fun, to keep high standards, to learn who you are, to develop a relationship with Heavenly Father, to study the scriptures, to gain a testimony, to learn about guys, to become poised and gracious, to learn good manners, to esteem yourself and others, to make others happy, to enjoy time with your family, and to decide who you would like to be.
Have pies or cakes decorated like clocks.
Suggested songs: "It's A Wonderful Time to Learn"--Janice Kapp Perry, "Come, Let Us Anew" (#217), "Improve the Shining Moments" (#226), "You Can Make a Pathway Bright" (#229), "Today While the Sun Shines" (#229), "Do What is Right" (#237), "Carry On!" (#255), "As Zion's Youth in Latter Days" (#256), "The Light Divine" (#305)
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