Service Projects
Books on tape for blind, visually impaired
Clothes for premature babies--donate to hospitals
Personal hygiene supply packs for women's shelter or homeless shelter
Canned food drive; soup kitchen; adopt a shelter
Clean up community park or recreation area
Emergency assistance--develop a plan and gather supplies, spring into action when emergency happens
Work at cannery; Bishop's storehouse
Coats for needy, socks, sweaters, blankets too; Donate and pack clothes
Toys for tots; Adopt a family, 12 days of Christmas
Casseroles for missionaries
Quilts for needy or sick kids
Clean up house; pack and help move someone
Treats at special holidays for needy
Mother's day plants for nursing homes
Clean up ward or temple grounds
Toys for fire and ambulance rescues
Baby-sit for parents before Christmas
Medicine and food for disaster victims
Gather finds for missionaries
Yard work for less-able
Sewing, dry-cleaning, washing, hemming for missionaries
Blood drive
Clean and paints neglected fences, building, alley areas in community
Rake 'n' Run; Shovel 'n' Run; Caroling with Cookies
Singing, playing games at hospitals or nursing homes
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