Question and Answer 4 |
79: On 6/4/97, ChocLover3 asked: Do you go to hell automatically if you commit suicide?
Elder Bruce R. McConkie taught: "Suicide consists in the voluntary and intentional taking of one's own life, particularly where the person involved is accountable and has a sound mind. Mortal life is a gift of God; it comes according to the divine will, is appointed to endure for such time as Deity decrees, and is designed to serve as the chief testing period of man's eternal existence. It is the probationary state or time during which man is tried and tested physically, spiritually, and mentally. No man has the right to run away from these tests, no matter how severe they may be, by taking his own life. Obviously persons subject to great stresses may lose control of themselves and become mentally clouded to the point that they are no longer accountable for their acts. Such are not to be condemned for taking their own lives. It should also be remembered that judgment is the Lord's; he knows the thoughts, intents, and abilities of men; and he in his infinite wisdom will make all things right in due course." (emphasis added) (See Suicide)
78: On 6/3/97, Dianna asked: I NEED information on weddings/marriages. this is for a school assignment. PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!! I would like to have the definition of marriage from the Mormon perspective, what people do you have in a family. what is your society like. do you have any ceremonies you need to conduct before/during/after a marriage. are you aloud to have more than one marriage? PLEASE FIND THE INFORMATION FOR ME!!! IF you could please send me the information.
Latter-day Saints believe that marriage permits us to practice the roles and virtues necessary in eternal life. For a more complete understanding of the LDS view of marriage, please see our Teachings About Marriage home page. For an understanding of LDS ceremonies, I suggest you view the Ceremonies article found on our Priesthood Ordinances home page. Latter-day Saint men can presently be married to only one woman at a time. However, during the nineteenth-century, LDS men were allowed to marry more than one wife under certain conditions. (See History of Plural Marriage) Also, see our Teachings About the Family, Dating and Courtship, and Holidays and Celebrations home pages. These pages should provide enough information for any assignment on the topic.
As a side note, you may find the article on the LDS view of self-sufficiency interesting reading. Also, a scripture often quoted by LDS teachers is: "If ye are prepared, ye shall not fear." (D&C 38:30)
77: On 6/3/97, Gary asked: What is the position of the Mormon Church as far as the "Promise Keepers" is concerned?
Promise Keepers is a non-denominational Christian men's organization dedicated toward strengthening the commitment of men to their family and community. Latter-day Saints proclaim that the family is central to the Creator’s plan for the eternal destiny of His children. We also stress the importance of keeping the sacred covenants made with our spouse and God (See Covenant Marriage by Elder Bruce C. Hafen). Therefore, it appears that the Promise Keeper's goals are consistent with values that we hold sacred. Please note that our 13th Article of Faith states:
"We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul—We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things"
However, the men of the Church meet together in priesthood quorums for gospel instruction and opportunities to serve others. The main focus of the instruction received in priesthood is how to become better husbands and fathers. A review of the Church curriculum shows that the Church provides all necessary gospel instruction.
(See Teachings About Fatherhood and the Role of Men home page; Interfaith Relations home page)
76: On 6/3/97, Someone asked: Our Bishop was on [a dating discussion] panel, and when asked what the official policy was with regard to kissing, he told us that kissing was not allowed, except if it was as one would kiss there mother and father. He carried on to say that "French kissing" was totally unacceptable, and if any of the youth had done this then they should see him at once. These were his words : " If any of you have ever or do ever French kiss with your date, you need to repent immediately as this is a sin that is not between you and Heavenly Father, but between you, your Bishop and Heavenly Father and I want to see you in my office immediately." I personally think that our Bishop is wrong. What is official church policy with regard to kissing, dating and what is allowed and what is not allowed. Both the Young Men and the Young Women have asked me to find out. Please advise where I can find this information.
Your Bishop's counsel is consistent with the teachings of the Church. President Spencer W. Kimball taught:
Kissing has been prostituted and has degenerated to develop and express lust instead of affection, honor, and admiration. To kiss in casual dating is asking for trouble. What do kisses mean when given out like pretzels and robbed of sacredness? What is miscalled the "soul kiss" is an abomination and stirs passions to the eventual loss of virtue. Even if timely courtship justifies the kiss it should be a clean, decent, sexless one like the kiss between mother and son, or father and daughter.
If the "soul kiss" with its passion were eliminated from dating there would be an immediate upswing in chastity and honor, with fewer illegitimate babies, fewer unwed mothers, fewer forced marriages, fewer unhappy people.
With the absence of the "soul kiss" necking would be greatly reduced. The younger sister of petting, it should be totally eliminated. Both are abominations in their own right. (60-04) (The Teachings of Spencer W. Kimball, p.281, emphasis added
(See Dating and Courtship home page; Teachings About Sexuality home page)
75: On 5/26/97, Ken asked: can you tell me what holidays the Mormon religion celebrate. In particular do they allow or encourage members of the church to celebrate birthdays and Christmas day, Good Friday and and Easter Monday, What is the churches attitude to family
Generally speaking, Latter-day Saints celebrate the holidays associated with their particular culture. (See Holidays and Celebrations home page). Christmas and Easter are universally celebrated. Most Church members celebrate birthdays as special occasions. The Church proclaims that marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God and that the family is central to the Creator’s plan for the eternal destiny of His children. (See Teachings About the Family home page)
74: On 5/26/97, Laurie asked: I've been asked to do a display on the history of the YW program. I am the Stake YW President in Canberra, Australia. Info of this type is scarce. Could you please point me in the right direction? The event is on July 19 so I don't have a lot of time. The info I am seeking is: When was it started? The various names of the organization over the years. The various names of the classes over the years. Anything else of this nature that might be of interest to the Australian Saints.
Please review our historical article on the Young Women's program.
73: On 5/25/97, Bill asked: Can anyone point me to scriptures or a general conference talk that that gives a good explanation of the LDS concept of "Faith In Christ"? Is it simply believing that Christ lives, that he is the Son of God, and that we have to strive to follow his example and keep his commandments to the best of our personal ability, given the circumstances of our life, or is their more involved?
For a detailed discussion on the concept of Faith, I suggest that you study the Lectures on Faith. However, for a good overview I suggest you read the article on Faith in Jesus Christ.
72: On 5/24/97, Filip asked: About UFO's : I just have an other question : Is that not superstition? And imagination?
Does life exist on other worlds? Latter-day Saint prophets and scripture teach that other worlds similar to this earth have been and will be created and inhabited in fulfillment of God's eternal designs for his children. As explained in revelations to the Prophet Joseph Smith, God has in operation a vast plan for the eternal progress of his children. In a vision given to Moses, the Lord said, "Worlds without number have I created; and I also created them for mine own purpose,…there are many (worlds) that now stand, and innumerable are they unto man" (Moses 1:33, 35). This same many-worlds view is echoed in other scriptures (see Heb. 1:2; D&C 76:24; Moses 7:30; Abr. 3:12). (See Worlds; The Creation home page; The Gospel of Jesus Christ home page)
However, if by UFO's, you mean the kind of aliens conjured up in such films as Star Wars, Star Trek, Independence Day, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, and many others, then we must conclude that UFO's are mythological. For example, alien abductions, flying saucers, and invaders from outer space are just fictional tales. The science fiction view of life on other worlds and the LDS view are simply inconsistent in a number of important ways.
Since mankind is made in the image of God as the masterpiece of creation, we must dismiss the concept of aliens who are not related to mankind and have technological advancements and intelligence greater than man, as fictional. The two views of simply not consistent. Unlike other Churches who take a spiritual view of man being in the image of God, Latter-day Saints take this concept most literally. The Church teaches that God, angels, and mankind are part of one family heritage in different stages of development. (See Teachings About the Godhead home page)
Also, while it is possible that children of our Heavenly Father living on other worlds are more technologically advanced than those living on Earth and capable of space travel, it is unlikely that they would be allowed to visit us. The Doctrine and Covenant's teaches:
In answer to the question--Is not the reckoning of God's time, angel's time, prophet's time, and man's time, according to the planet on which they reside? I answer, Yes. But there are no angels who minister to this earth but those who do belong or have belonged to it. The angels do not reside on a planet like this earth; But they reside in the presence of God, on a globe like a sea of glass and fire, where all things for their glory are manifest, past, present, and future, and are continually before the Lord. (D&C 130:4-7)
71: On 5/21/97, Adam asked: If someone wanted to join how would they go about doing it......To marry a member do you have to be a member??? Thank you for your time in answering these questions for me
Your first step in becoming a member of the Church is to invite some LDS missionaries into your home. The missionaries will explain some basic teachings of the Church and prepare you for baptism. Baptism serves several important purposes, including admitting a person into the Church. (See Joining the Church; Conversion)
Only two members of the Church who hold temple recommends can go to the temple and be married for time and all eternity (See Eternal Marriage). For this reason members are encouraged not to date nonmembers or inactive members (See Dating Nonmembers). However, under the principles of agency and accountability, each individual member has the right to make their own choices as to whom they date and marry (See Dating and Courtship).
If you are interested in meeting some missionaries, there are several approaches that can be used. First, you may call (U.S.) 1-800-528-2225 and request the missionaries to visit you. Second, you can attend a local LDS meeting and request to meet some of the missionaries assigned to the congregation. (See Meetings and Conferences home page)
70: On 5/21/97, Mark asked: Will those who die before reaching accountability ascend to the Celestial, Terrestrial, or Telestial Kingdom? Will they never having accomplished Temple works be administered by Christ or by saints (much like sunbeams in a classroom?)
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints teaches that all children who die before the age of accountability (age 8) are automatically saved in the Celestial Kingdom through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. (For references, please see a similar question answered on 4/19/97 located on QA page 3.)
When children are resurrected, they will grow up under the guidance of loving parents. If their mortal parents were faithful followers of the Savior, then their parents from mortality will raise them. If their mortal parents were not faithful servants of Jesus Christ, then our loving Heavenly Father will ensure that the children are adopted and raised by such in the Millennium. Elder Legrand Richards taught: "What a comfort to those of us who have buried our little children to know that we will be privileged in the resurrection to raise our little ones unto manhood and womanhood. (Conference Report, April 1969, p.90) When they reach maturity, they will have the opportunity to partake of all the ordinances of salvation, including Eternal Marriage.
While they are growing to their full stature in the Millennium, they will not be subject to temptation since Satan and his angels will be bound.
69: On 5/16/97, James asked: If a sin is a result of a Mormon disobeying the Word of Wisdom, (LDS doctrinal health code) is the sin caused by breaking a commandment, covenant, or both?
In addition to breaking both a covenant and a specific commandment (both sins in and of themselves), The Holy Bible teaches "whatsoever [is] not of faith is sin." (Romans 14:23) "This law applies to the saints, to those who have the light, who know that salvation is in Christ, to those who are under covenant to keep the commandments. It is not applicable to the world in general, for sin is not imputed where there is no law. Thus the saints are guilty of sin when they fall short of those high standards they are obligated to attain. In the field of the Word of Wisdom, for instance, it is a sin for a Latter-day Saint to use tea, coffee, tobacco, or liquor, but it is not a sin for a nonmember of the Church so to do." (Elder Bruce R. McConkie, Doctrinal New Testament Commentary, Vol.2, p.302)
68: On 5/15/97, Ron asked: Here are a few questions I've had to deal with since having a daughter born with Down Syndrome: Why are some children born with handicaps? How are mentally retarded individuals regarded by the church? Are they to be baptized? Can they be married in the temple when of age?
Why are some children born with handicaps? No one knows the reason why any individual child is born with a handicap. It is clear that their handicaps do not result from any sin or disobedience in their premortal existence. President Joseph Fielding Smith taught:
"We must in all reason conclude that some physical defect at birth is due to some accident or other cause that can be laid at the door of mortal conditions and not to some premortal defect or punishment in the spirit world. When the disciples came to the Savior and asked the question concerning the man who was born blind, the question whether this defect came upon him because of a condition existing in the spirit world, he gave them the assurance that such was not the case. We have reason to believe that every spirit that comes into this world was whole and free from such defects in the pre-existence.
We are subject to all the vicissitudes that go with a temporal existence, sickness and physical defects as well as health, but such things will not exist in the world of spirits nor in the kingdom of God after the resurrection. The Lord has made this perfectly clear. (We Believe, No. 564)
Our Heavenly Father desires all of his children to return home to live with him in the Celestial Kingdom. In order for us to return home, we each are required to be tried and tested (See The Purpose of Life). While some tests are common to all of mankind, everyone also has individual tests that are "tailor-made" and suited to the particular person and circumstances. Therefore, it is possible that a handicapped child is facing a "tailor-made" trial. It is also possible that the ones who interact with the child are really the ones being tested.
How are mentally retarded individuals regarded by the Church? Like everyone else, mentally retarded individuals should be treated with love and respect as befits a child of God. In these cases, as in all others, we should follow the lead of our Heavenly Father. The Holy Bible teaches:
"For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more." (Luke 12:48)
We should not let them shirk responsibilities that they are capable of performing and we should not give them more than they can bear.
Are they to be baptized? Can they be married in the temple when of age? Mentally retarded persons are considered for baptism and other ordinances according to their understanding. If they have the understanding of a young child, they do not need to be baptized. Joseph Fielding Smith said:
The Lord has made it known by revelation that children born with retarded minds shall receive the blessings just like little children who die in infancy. They are free from sin, because their minds are not capable of a correct understanding of right and wrong. Mormon, when writing to his son Moroni on the subject of baptism places deficient children in the same category with little children who are under the age of accountability, they do not require baptism, for the atonement of Jesus Christ takes care of them equally with little children who die before the age of accountability, as follows:
"For behold that all little children are alive in Christ, and also all they that are without the law. For the power of redemption cometh on all them that have no law; wherefore, he that is not condemned, or he that is under no condemnation, cannot repent; and unto such baptism availeth nothing--" (Moroni 8:22)
Again the Lord has stated:
"And, again, I say unto you, that whoso having knowledge, have I not commanded to repent?
"And he that hath no understanding, it remaineth in me to do according as it is written. . . ." (D & C 29:49-50)
Therefore The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints considers all deficient children with retarded capacity to understand, just the same as little children under the age of accountability. They are redeemed without baptism and will go to the celestial kingdom of God, there, we believe, to have their faculties or other deficiencies restored according to the Father's mercy and justice" (Answers to Gospel Questions 3:20-21)
If a person is not very mentally retarded, and is capable of understanding right and wrong as well as the consequences of their choices, then they can participate in ordinances and covenants as much as their understanding will allow them to participate. If your daughter or anyone else is capable of making the decision to marry and capable of understanding temple covenants, she will not be denied access because of any disabilities she may have. If a child is not capable of partaking in an ordinance in this life, then we can be sure that they will have the opportunity to enjoy those blessings in eternity once their faculties or other deficiencies are restored.
67: On 5/15/97, Aubin asked: I am confused. When I was taking the missionary discussions I learned of the Word of Wisdom. I stopped smoking and drinking. The missionaries took my coffee and tea (along with several bottles of various liquors) out of my house. I no longer drink coke, Dr. Pepper, Pepsi. Yet I see many many Mormons who do. They say caffeine is okay as long as it is not tea or coffee. But then I was told by a member of the Bishopric that no, no caffeine was good. So I started drinking decaf coffee. But I was told no, I should not do that either. Yet it is decaffeinated. I'm confused. Exactly what is the understanding of the Word of Wisdom?
Church leaders have stated on numerous occasions that the hot drinks forbidden in the Word of Wisdom specifically refer to tea and coffee. Elder James E. Talmage stated:
"Tea and coffee, therefore, are the principal substances forbidden in the Word of Wisdom as hot drinks, just as alcoholic liquors are interdicted as strong drinks. " (Improvement Era, vol. 20, p. 556.)
While many have speculated that caffeine is the major reason that these drinks are prohibited, no exemption has been made for decaffeinated tea or coffee. This is might be because caffeine is not the only ingredient in coffee and tea that is unhealthy to our bodies.
Regarding cola drinks, President Spencer W. Kimball said:
Generally when we speak of the Word of Wisdom, we are talking about tea, coffee, tobacco, and liquor, and all of the fringe things even though they might be detrimental are not included in the technical interpretation of the Word of Wisdom. I never drink any of the cola drinks and my personal hope would be that no one would. However, they are not included in the Word of Wisdom in its technical application. I quote from a letter from the secretary to the First Presidency, "But the spirit of the Word of Wisdom would be violated by the drinking or eating of anything that contained a habit-forming drug." With reference to the cola drinks, the Church has never officially taken any attitude on this at but I personally do not put them in the class as with the tea and coffee because the Lord specifically mentioned them [the hot drinks]…. I might say also that strychnine and sleeping pills and opium and heroin are not mentioned in the Word of Wisdom and yet I would discourage them with all my power. (The Teachings of Spencer W. Kimball, p.202)
Why have Church leaders not been more explicit in defining the Word of Wisdom? "The Prophet Joseph Smith was once asked by a visitor to the city of Nauvoo, the good order and prosperity of which struck him with surprise, how it was that he governed the people so as to produce such admirable results. The memorable reply of the Prophet of God was: 'I teach them correct principles and they govern themselves.'" ( Messages of the First Presidency, Vol.3, p.54)
In accordance with the principles of agency and accountability, Church leaders are often reluctant to give detailed specific instructions regarding gospel living. Instead, they try to teach the saints correct principles and let them govern themselves. It is simply impossible to make a complete list of all sins. The Book of Mormon teaches:
"And finally, I cannot tell you all the things whereby ye may commit sin; for there are divers ways and means, even so many that I cannot number them." (Mosiah 4:29)
More problematic than the inability to list all sins is the spiritual danger that is created when people start to overemphasize such lists. In ancient times, the Pharisees lost connection with the Spirit of the Lord when they spent their efforts on making lists of do's and don'ts, and were satisfied with merely obeying the letter of the law.
Instead of preparing such lists, Church leaders focus their efforts on teaching members how to obtain the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost. The Book of Mormon teaches:
"For behold, again I say unto you that if ye will enter in by the way, and receive the Holy Ghost, it will show unto you all things what ye should do. (2 Nephi 32:5)
Once a Church member enjoys the companionship of the Spirit, he or she will know how to keep the Word of Wisdom.
66: On 5/15/97, Don asked: I was just wondering....two "elders" just rode by my shop on bikes. What is the deal with the bikes?
Many missionaries use bicycles for their primary source of transportation. First, bicycles are economical. They are less expensive than automobiles and do not require insurance or gasoline. Second, Latter-day Saints believe that the body is sacred and should be treated well. Constant bicycle riding keeps the missionaries physically fit. (See Missionary Work home page)
65: On 5/15/97, Eugene asked: I'd like to know how Mormons do business, are there any business Mormon organizations?
There are Latter-day Saints in all major occupations and professions, including medicine, engineering, teaching, law enforcement, politics, performing arts, and business. Latter-day Saints do not restrict their business dealings and patronship to one another. Instead, they participate fully in the business communities in their respective countries. Therefore, Latter-day Saints are typically members of the local business organizations in their communities. In addition, the Marriot School of Management at Brigham Young University sponsors a Management Society. (See Attitudes Toward Business and Wealth home page)
65: On 5/9/97, Tom asked: Can you please send me a copy of the video I heard about called "Home Improvement?" This is the video that deals with building healthy family relationships. I didn't get a phone number to call, so I am emailing you. Thank you.
Family First, a free video, teaches practical ways to build stronger and more loving families for real home improvement. For a free copy, call (U.S.) 1-800-832-2900.
64: On 5/9/97, Franz asked: I am participating in an academic class that is studying the Bible. In tonight's discussion we covered the proper paradigms for interpreting scripture. Many examples were shown to explain the danger of only examining the scripture on a literal level. One such example was in I Corinthians that refers to the baptism of the dead. The instructor explained that LDS church's support and/or endorsement of this practice was base solely on this verse, which was a shaky foundation at best.
I in turn asked if there was other documentation supporting this belief. When I say documentation I mean other ancient writings that support that early Christian or Hebrew groups practiced baptism of the dead.
"In I Corinthians, Paul also refers to an early Christian practice of vicarious baptism for the dead, which is one of the rites of the LDS temples. While arguing that without the resurrection of Christ and of all mankind, faith and repentance and even his own preaching are all in vain, he asks: "Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all? why are they then baptized for the dead?" (1 Corinthians 15:29.) Scholars and theologians have proposed many different theories to try and explain this verse. Yet honest scholars, both Catholic and Protestant (even those hostile to the LDS doctrine), are forced to admit that the passage describes vicarious baptism for the dead, and that proposed alternatives are really just attempts to avoid the clear meaning of the text because of its theological implications.
Regarding 1 Corinthians 15:29, a conservative Protestant work explains:
"The normal reading of the text is that some Corinthians are being baptized, apparently vicariously, in behalf of some people who have already died. It would be fair to add that this reading is such a plain understanding of the Greek text that no one would ever have imagined the various alternatives were it not for the difficulties involved.''(Gordon Fee, The First Epistle to the Corinthians, Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1989, pp. 763-64.)
The finest Roman Catholic biblical commentary is of the same opinion:
"Again, the Apostle alludes to a practice of the Corinthian community as evidence for a Christian faith in the resurrection of the dead. It seems that in Corinth some Christians would undergo baptism in the name of their deceased non-Christian relatives and friends, hoping that this vicarious baptism might assure them a share in the redemption of Christ.'' (From The Jerome Biblical Commentary, ed. Raymond E. Brown, Joseph A. Fitzmyer, and Roland E. Murphy, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1968, 2:273.)
Both Catholic and Protestant scholars agree that the Corinthian Saints practiced baptism for the dead. Now, the argument is sometimes made that Paul must have merely tolerated an aberrant practice at Corinth, that he looked the other way because these vicarious baptisms reflected a kind of faith in Christ. There are serious problems with this view, even from a non-LDS perspective. But even if the argument were valid, Latter-day Saints would be entitled to ask their critics, If the Apostle Paul found vicarious rites for the dead tolerable among the Corinthian Saints, why must the same practice be judged intolerable among the Latter-day Saints? If the Bible shows that the Apostle Paul was in fellowship with those who, rightly or wrongly, practiced baptism for the dead, how can modern Christians reject the precedent? (See The Doctrinal Exclusion: Lesser Arguments)
For a summary of ancient sources for Baptism for the Dead, please review the following articles: Baptism for the Dead in Ancient Times (very long article) and Baptism for the Dead, Ancient Sources (very short article).
However, unlike most other Christian denominations which base their beliefs solely on history and tradition, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints bases its beliefs and practices upon continuing revelation from God, as stated in our Articles of Faith:
"We believe all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God." (AF 9)
We believe that our Church leaders today are equal in authority to the prophets and apostles who lived in the past. Whether baptism for the dead was practiced anciently (and it was) is irrelevant to us since the Lord's chosen servants today have endorsed its practice. (See Follow the Prophets home page)
63: On 5/9/97, Nola asked: I have always been told that the church counsels against cremation but no one has told me why, could you please tell me why the church is opposed to cremation?
Since the organization of the Church in 1830, Latter-day Saints have been encouraged by their leaders to avoid cremation, unless it is required by law, and, wherever possible, to consign the body to burial in the earth and leave the dissolution of the body to nature, "for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return" (Gen. 3:19). (See Attitudes About Health and Medicine; Teachings About Law)
Local law in some countries may dictate cremation rather than burial, but in the absence of such a law, burial is preferred because of its doctrinal symbolism. We have already spoken of Gen. 3:19 which speaks of man returning to his earthly origin. In addition, most scriptures speaking of the resurrection allude to men coming forth from their graves:
"And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose," (Matthew 27:52)
"Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice," (John 5:28)
"And the graves of the saints shall be opened; and they shall come forth and stand on the right hand of the Lamb, when he shall stand upon Mount Zion, and upon the holy city, the New Jerusalem; and they shall sing the song of the Lamb, day and night forever and ever." (D&C 133:56)
In addition to the doctrinal symbolism noted above, the Church teaches that everyone should regard his body as the temple of God; and that he maintain its purity and sanctity as such. Will a cremated body be resurrected? President Joseph F. Smith taught:
"It is true that the mortal body in due time returns to the earth as the Lord predicted that it should. Much of the cremated body is carried off into the air and only a small portion of ash remains. However it is impossible to destroy a body. It makes no difference whether a body is consumed by fire, buried in the depths of the sea, or placed in the tomb, the time will come when every essential particle will be called back again to its own place, and the individual whose body was laid away, or scattered to the winds, will be reassembled with every essential part restored. It was to bring to pass this restoration that Jesus died upon the cross, and it is by his command that the individual elements will be called back to their own place." (Answers to Gospel Questions, Vol.2, p.100)
Therefore, cremation will have no effect upon the resurrection.
(See Question and Answer 5; Question and Answer home page; Question and Answer 3)
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