A Year Of Activities
More Holiness
Give Me
January-More Sorrow For Sin/More Tears For His Sorrows
(Learn about Repentance)
Learn to wash clothes with stains and relate the bleach to repentance. Learn about other cleaning or whitening agents: Hydrogen peroxide, rubbing alcohol, baking soda, ammonia, etc. and relate them to parts of an inner cleaning process.
February-More Faith in My Savior/More Trust in the Lord
(Learn about the Atonement and develop faith in Christ's promises)
Read the parable of the Bicycle in Believing Christ.
Watch the video or read Elder Packer's parable of the foolish young man who got himself into too much debt.
See Faith in Idea Index
March-More Sense of His Care
(I know my Heavenly Father loves me)
Prepare to sing Primary songs for a sacrament meeting musical number. Include "My Heavenly Father Loves Me (228-229)," "I Am a Child of God (2-3)," "I Know My Father Lives (5)," "A Child's Prayer (12-13),"
Watch "The Touch of the Master's Hand" or another movie on the Worth of Souls tape.
April-More Joy in His Service
(Service in the Church and in the world)
Help clean the ward building--Coordinate with the building custodian. Have a fun treat or activity afterward.
Have a service rally. Send the youth out to find different services they can render at members houses. Whichever group completes the most services on the list wins. (Service list)
See Service in Idea Index
May-More Purpose in Prayer
(Learn how to pray, when to pray, how to use prayer daily)
Make a craft or decorate a card which will remind you to pray daily.
Count your many blessings-Write down as many things as you can which you are or should be thankful for. Put it on pretty paper and place it near where you generally pray. Read over it before praying to remind you of your blessings which you should thank Heavenly Father for.
June-More Gratitude Give Me/More Praise for Relief
(Thankfulness as a saving virtue)
Write thank you notes to your parents, friends, leaders, teachers, or others who have helped you in your life. Make stationary for writing thank you notes in the future.
Take a walk in nature and notice everything that God has created to be useful, beautiful, and to make us happy. Write about it in your journal and remember to mention what you noticed in your prayers.
Write a poem, song or story about everything God has done for you. Display, read aloud, or perform it for your class.
Read "Gratitude" by Elder Jerald L. Taylor in April 1997 Conference.
See Gratitude at O Remember Theme
July-More Hope in His Word
(reading the scriptures, patriarchal blessings, testimony)
Follow a recipe which needs specific instructions in order for the recipe to work. Life also uses specific instructions. Luckily, we have the recipe books--our scriptures and patriarchal blessings.
Learn how to read food labels and use the information to make healthy food choices for a better life. To help our spirits stay healthy we have different information to read. Relate trusting food labels to trusting what God has said, but God is more reliable. It is even more important to trust and use the information God has given to us than to read food labels. It affects our eternal life.
Have a Book of Mormon Night
Have a Doctrine and Covenants Night
Have a Bible Night
August-More Meekness in Trial
Christ showed his meekness by turning the other cheek and by saying, Not my will but thy will be done. Relate this to how we should respond to the Lord and our parents. Using a game, learn to give soft answers, to walk in someone else's shoes, or to be obedient even though it is hard.
Take a walk in someone else's shoes. Have parents and youth trade places, clothes and attitudes (do this in a skit, or with everyone). The parents will whine, say rude things, be helpful, say kind words, or whatever else their girls do. Then the girls will do what their parents do. Then have the girls and parents do what they would like the other side to do for them. Have them explain where they are coming from, why they do the things they do, and ask for patience with them. Hopefully, both sides will realize that they aren't always perfect just like the other side isn't perfect, so both sides should be more patient, meek, and long-suffering toward each other.
September-More Purity Give Me/More Freedom From Earthstains
(Morality, avoiding sin, proper media use)
Bring friends to an activity based on some of the suggestions in the Good, Clean Fun section. Listen to uplifting music (it doesn't have to be hymns, but appropriate music) while you friendship.
How do you avoid sin? Don't watch it, don't listen to it, don't read it, don't see it, don't think about it. Learn to choose appropriate media for cleaner minds and actions. (see Media in For the Strength of Youth and in the pamphlet by the same title).
October-More Strength to O'ercome
(Enduring to the End)
Prepare for and go on a long distance bike ride or run. Have for you mottoes,
1 Corinthians 9:24 "Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain."
Hebrews 12:1 "WHEREFORE seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset [us], and let us run with patience the race that is set before us"
and Paul's declaration at the end of his life, 2 Timothy 4:7 "I have fought a good fight, I have finished [my] course, I have kept the faith:"
November-More Fit for the Kingdom
(Being worthy to enter the temple or to go on a mission)
Discuss the temple recommend questions and what actually must be done to truthfully answer the questions correctly.
Stretch your spiritual muscles while tracting with the missionaries. Remember to invite the Spirit to be with you.
December-More Used Would I Be/More, Savior, like Thee.
(Be anxiously engaged in good works)
Baby-sit for parents doing Christmas shopping. Have them pay with food cans which are then donated to a local food bank or given to the Bishop for distribution in the ward.
Collect or make toys or clothes for needy children. Or gather broken or worn out toys and fix them up for needy children.
Make food baskets and give them to the Bishop to distribute to needy families.
See Service under Idea Index
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