Doctrine and
Read or Watch one of President Benson's talks on the Doctrine and Covenants
Read the Doctrine and Covenants all of the way through. Dress up in pioneer clothes for the activity and have D & C Refreshments. Serve fried corn meal cakes, honey taffy, oatmeal cookies, etc. (OR Word of Wisdom waffles, fruits, vegetables, milk, Humble Pie, Mississippi Mud Cake--see Fun Foods to Make, Celestial Punch--see Drinks for ideas) When you need a break, share Mormon Culture Humor--part 1, part 2, part 3 As you read through it, mark your progression westward along the pioneer route--from New York to Salt Lake
Write a play about the pioneers or the early days of the church
Watch a church video about the early days of the church
Memorize all of the seminary scriptures from the Doctrine and Covenants and have a contest on who can memorize the most. Make up stories, pictures, jokes, dances, rhymes, etc. to help you memorize the words.
Memorize all of the missionary scriptures from the Doctrine and Covenants (and do the same thing as for the Seminary scriptures)
Hold a Book of Mormon News Conference
Sing "An Angel from on High" (#13), "Joseph Smith's First Prayer" (#26), "Praise to the Man" (#27), "Come, Come, Ye Saints" (#30), "The Priesthood Is Restored" (CS 89). Read the related scriptures together.
Role-play situations in which truths found in the Doctrine and Covenants would answer questions or help deal with the situation
Have people dress up and give monologues as a person in church history. Have them share the significant doctrinal and spiritual experiences they had in their lifetimes. Or, do a presentation and let the youth ask questions of the presenter. Or have each youth present their favorite church history figure.
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