Fun Ideas For Friends
Form a Surprise Package Company.
Perform random acts of kindness together. If you can, do them secretly and sign them, "Love, the Surprise Package Company."
See also the Service-Related Dates Page.
Learn how to cook together. See Fun Foods to Make.
Learn how to make a craft, cross-stitch, knit, or sew together. See Develop Talents Together
Solve a Brain Teaser together or make up one of your own.
Make up new words to a song and perform it for a talent show.
Pack a picnic lunch and go to the park. Play on the playground and pretend like you're a kid again.
Go shopping at a thrift shop. Compete with each other for finding the best, least expensive, ugliest, or silliest outfits. Buy an outfit and go somewhere in it.
Make a friendship newsletter for all of your friends. Put information about each person in it. Make up funny classified ads.
Make friendship bracelets, necklaces, earrings, pins, etc.
Write romantic letters to guys you like together. Or write really mushy letters just for fun. Save them. They're treasures!
Get your pictures taken together.
Plant flowers together.
Make a tree swing.
Decorate your rooms together.
Try a new food together.
Play all the hand-clapping games you know. Sing all of the rhymes that go with them.
Make dinner for your families.
Walk to the library and check out books together. Join the summer reading program, if there is one, or make up one of your own.
Learn how to repair or decorate clothes.
See the Entertainment Page
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