1998 Young Women
Worldwide Celebration:
Turning Hearts to the Family
Purpose: To help each young woman turn her heart to and strengthen her association with her family
The Invitation for Young Women (and ideas on how to help it happen)
Introducing the Theme in New Beginnings
Read Malachi 4:6 as part of the presentation.
Provide each young woman with a copy of "The Family: A Proclamation to the World" at New Beginnings
Discuss how the Proclamation matches with the Young Women Values
Encourage family-oriented goals for this year, to match with the year's theme
Have heart shaped cookies
Have heart shapes hang from the ceiling, so they can turn
Sing one of the Primary songs about family history or hymns about family and love.
Turning Hearts: Activities Based on the 1998 Theme
Worldwide Celebration Ideas for November 1998
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