Camp 1998:
Turning ©Hearts© to the Family
Hang up scriptures around the camp about families, hang up sayings or lines of songs about families (e.g.--A family is forever, Love One Another, A Family that Prays Together is a Family that Stays Together, "No other success can compensate for failure in the home"--David O. McKay, Hang up The Family: A Proclamation to the World)
© Crafts (for more crafts, see Craft Ideas)
Decorate picture frames for family pictures
Make or personalize a journal
Decorate binders for personal history (use padding to make it puffy, pretty materials, lace, flowers, beads, hot glue gun)
Make heart shaped pillows out of assorted cloth for the girls' future homes
Make small quilts for a future baby
Make stationary and a matching address book (so the girls can keep in touch better with their family members)
© Games and Skits (for more ideas, see Camp Games and Skits)
Learn games that would be good for a family reunion
Sing and act out the song "Father Abraham"
Sets of sisters could sing a rendition of the song "Sisters" (it was performed in the movie White Christmas). Have different types of sisters--birds, monsters, punkrockers, mice, 60's girls, etc. and make the lyrics match the type of sister.
© Activities
Have each girl write letters to family members expressing her feelings towards them
Secretly have each girl's parents write a letter to their daughter and deliver it in the middle of the week of camp
Learn dance steps from an earlier generation
Learn songs from an earlier generation
Have a class on writing family stories
Have a fashion show displaying fashions from earlier eras
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