I Write My Life
January--Beginnings; Where did I come from? (Genealogy, Learning about Heavenly Father's Plan)
Carnival of Life
Submit a 4 generation sheet
Learn to use your local Family History Center. Submit family names.
Plan and attend a youth temple trip and perform ordinances for your relatives.
Put together a family history book. (See also 1998 Theme: Turning Hearts to the Family)
Learn about the lives of early pioneers, prophets, apostles, or ancestors, etc.
February--Getting the plot down (journal keeping)
I remember activity--Get out some paper and start it out by saying "I remember . . ." Then write as long as you can until you can't think of anything else related to that memory. Then write "I remember" again and start all over. Serve fun snacks and share fun memories at the end.
Journal Jars (see also Journal Ideas)
Learn how to do a photo album or scrapbook
Organize important papers and awards and certificates
March--Developing My Character
Learn how to write, give speeches, act, dance, sing, play a musical instrument, conduct music, sign a song in sign language, etc. Invite speakers or specialists, have a play and learn to act by doing, learn to sew by making the costumes, choreograph a musical number for a talent show, etc.
Learn how to organize information, how to use a computer, how to use the internet, how to use computer programs, how to prepare for college, etc.
Pick a gospel principle and learn how to live it more fully: tithing, repentance, faith, forgiveness, thankfulness, chastity, purity of heart and mind, loving God, serving our fellowmen, living in the world but not of the world, honesty, integrity, etc.
Service--see Service Ideas at Idea Index; I Walked Today Where Jesus Walked
April--Gardening and the Law of the Harvest
Read what President Kimball said about gardens
Learn about plants and flowers that grow well in your area and make a poster to present what you learned to others.
Plant a Garden
Weed and take care of a garden
Read scripture stories that involve gardening--the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and how they later have to grow their own food, the parable of the olive tree, the stories of the Lord's vineyard, the story of the tree of life, the likening of faith to a seed, the parable of the sower, the parable of the mustard seed
Missionary Work (sowing seeds), Have a Missionary Night
Strengthening new members (taking care of tender sprouts)--Introduce new members by having a Get-to-Know-You activity with the new members as the guests of honor. Play games together. See Good Clean Fun
My choices have consequences--Choice and Accountability--CTR Activity under Quarterly Activities
Learn ways to make meetings more effective
Fellowship less active members of your ward: visit them, call them, learn more about them, support them in concerts or performances, make treats for them, plan activities which meet their needs and interests, etc.
Learn about other religions so you'll know where investigators are coming from when they ask questions about the Church.
May--The Best Books (Scriptures, Good Literature)
Learn how to study the scriptures better, how to choose appropriate books, movies, songs, and other media, or how to teach more effectively
Have a Book Club Night--everyone selects a book from a list of classics or good new literature and reads it. Then that night they share parts of the story--drawings, a short skit, a collage, a dramatic reading with a cliffhanger, a costumed monologue, etc. Share how interesting the book was and encourage others to read it if you thought it was appropriate and uplifting
Have a Church Book Club Night--share insights from gospel-centered books, Have a recommended reading list of essential Gospel books
Share a reader's theater of a good play or story.
Share favorite poetry. Write your own poetry and share it.
Have a Bible Night
Have a Book of Mormon Night
Have a Doctrine and Covenants Night
June--Becoming a Leading Lady
Modesty, chastity--Modesty Fashion show (use dolls, young women, mothers to show off appropriate clothing for school, home, sports, dances, wedding, etc.)
July--My Leading Man
What Kind of Man Do You Want to Marry? (Candy Bar Activity)
Dating Night (see Dating Section for LOTS of ideas)
August--The Temple: The Perfect Setting For My Wedding
Read President Hunter's talk about the temple or read the magazine Temples.
Learn about the Temple and Temple-worthiness. Design temple-appropriate temple dresses.
Make a decoration that reminds you of the temple. Make padded hangers for your temple dress.
Write in your journal of a time that you went to the temple
See Special Temple Nights and Brides Night
September--I'm going to be a wife
Learn how to cook, sew, decorate a room, make a craft, etc.
Play the Newlywed Game with the young men of your ward (or another)--give each couple ten minutes to learn about each other
Learn how to be a good friend--make special gifts for friends, learn to write thank you notes
Learn how to navigate using a map
Learn how to use time effectively at home--plan a day or a week full of constructive activities, remember scripture study, visiting teaching, talents, dinner, cleaning, letter writing, etc.
How to be a good "in-law"
October--I'm going to be a homemaker
Learn how to fix a car, use food storage, exercise, clean house, garden, paint, perform CPR or first aid, budget money, etc. Learn to budget money by giving each group a small amount of money to make a meal or part of a meal, or to buy gifts for members of the other group. Have you ever exercised with cans of refried beans, broom handles, step stools, or water jugs? Try it! Have you ever had a race on who could clean a window the fastest or wash a pan the best? You might like it!
Learn how to can, make jam, go to the cannery and dry pack or "shop" at the Bishop's storehouse for a packing assignment
November--I'm going to be a mother
Learn how to take care of your body, learn about pregnancy and breastfeeding
Learn about different developmental stages in children and teenagers and what things appeal to various age groups
Learn children's songs--in the Children's Songbook, in the Nursery Manual, and secular sources
Learn how to put together a Family Home Evening, or make an FHE Kit
Learn how to take care of a small child
Make Babysitting Kits (for on hand experience later), see Babysitting Fun
December--Strengthening My Family
Righteous Traditions--gather fun tradition ideas and learn how to do them. Think about what traditions your family has and which ones you would like your future family to have (See Seasons and Holidays)
Family Newsletters, Reunions
Ways to show love and appreciation for family members
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